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Recruiting For Soft Skills

It’s easy to differentiate between hard and soft skills. The former are those that can be learned formally and are measurable. For instance, if your organization needs an IT professional, the skills required would include hardware & network maintenance and software troubleshooting. On the other hand, soft skills are personal traits overlooked in the past but now considered essential in any job. A common one we find in many job advertisements is “good communication skills.” This can be easily observed during the interview. But, other soft skills such as creativity, adaptability, and teamwork are not readily apparent although, they are mentioned in many resumes. So here’s how soft skills can be detected with alternative methods that have worked in many companies. Step 1: Identify Required Skills The first step is determining which soft skills are required in your organization. Ask your H.R. manager and even your executives what soft skills are necessary for success. Don’t forget to consult with your most productive colleagues too. And of course, you have ideas of your own. Each job requires a set of both hard and soft skills. Keep in mind that soft skills are as necessary as technical skills today. Step 2: Use Online Tests There are online tools that can assess the soft skills of job candidates. Resumes and traditional interviews are insufficient when figuring out the skill set of applicants. Toggl Hire, Koru and Psychometrics are examples of these. There are more and some can be custom-made for your organization. These tests can be used for pre-screening purposes or after interviews. An objective analysis of your job candidates’ answers will help you figure out who is the best person for the job. Step 3: Avoid Unstructured and Standard Interviews Most applicants today are prepared for interviews. They are ready for questions like “Why are you the best person for the job?” or “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” Also, research about your organization can reveal a lot of what you value and interviewees can give answers you’d like to hear. They can, on occasion, remind you of yourself which can lead you to prematurely view them favorably. Be ready for the interview. Make an outline of what to ask. Take time to study the resumes and online test results, if any. If you only do so during the interview itself, you’ll miss asking the essential questions. Step 4: Ask the Right Questions Applicants can be good actors if they practice well enough. Mix in questions that will help you understand an applicant’s way of thinking, attitude, and reaction to different situations. Here are examples that will assist you in figuring out the soft skills of your applicants. Which is more important to you – Getting the job done or making it perfect? If you see dishonesty at work, what would you do? Which would you choose first, a pay raise, or a promotion without a raise? If your life was made into a movie, would it be a comedy, drama, or a suspense thriller? Would you finish a task at the office beyond closing time or bring it home to complete it? As you consistently ask questions candidates are unprepared for, you will discover their real character and the soft skills they possess. By the way, in case you’re wondering, the examples above help you determine an applicant’s work ethic, motivation, and creativity. Step 5: Contact Job References You can find out more about job candidates if you contact their references. Ask specific rather than general questions. If a reference states that a candidate is an excellent team player, don’t stop there. Inquire for instances when the candidate has exhibited such behavior. Persons who refer candidates are a source of information too. They can verify the existence of soft skills possessed by applicants. Again, ask for specific instances when soft skills were evident. To Wrap Up There is no surefire way of assessing a person’s soft skills unless you have first-hand information. The best approach now is to modify your recruitment process. Revise your interview questions and employ new methods such as online tests. The above steps will assist you in finding the right candidate who possesses the hard and soft skills you seek. Try these and in time, you will find the appropriate recruitment strategy for your organization.

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Mentally Strong People Don’t Do These

If you aspire to be mentally strong, avoid acts and behaviors that are counterproductive and unhealthy. It’s not enough to practice good habits. You have to break bad ones. A psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker, Amy Morin, made a list of 13 things mentally strong people don’t do. It’s a great list and if you want to make headway in your life, check each item out. One of these might be holding you back. So, here are what mentally tough people avoid doing. Waste time wallowing in self-pity Feeling sorry for your misfortunes and troubles, according to Dale Carnegie, is the worst habit you could possibly have. If you’re in a bad situation, use the time to find ways to get out of it. In short, focus on solutions and not on problems. Give away their power This is about letting others or circumstances determine your general well-being. Daily, you meet people and experience situations that can get on your nerves. The question is – would you let them? Mentally tough people brush these off by taking control of their emotions, thoughts, and actions. Stay away from change According to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, the only constant is change. People are afraid of change because their comfort zone is threatened. It is a step into the unknown. But, it can also mean better things to come. Waste energy on things they can’t control If the price of oil is going up next week, you can’t do anything about it unless you have a direct influence on it. It’s the same with people. You can influence or try to change them. But you can’t control them. So, forget about worrying about things beyond your control. Worry about pleasing everyone “If you try to please everyone, you please no one” – Aesop. May we add to that – “including yourself.” Remain authentic and honest. Accept the fact that not everyone is going to like you or what you do. The person you should first think of pleasing is you. Fear taking risks It’s not taking risks by itself that people fear. But, it’s the fear of rejection and failure. “Playing it safe” is not a quality of a mentally tough person. They know that to move forward, they have to take risks and are okay with it. Dwell on the past Learn from mistakes and don’t let regret overwhelm you. Don’t rest on your laurels, but let past achievements serve as inspiration. Don’t hold grudges even when people you live or work with are unremorseful. Repeat mistakes It isn’t enough that we take responsibility for our mistakes. Studies have shown that we don’t really exert the effort to learn the lessons of our past errors. Rather than dwell on them, determine what habits or patterns of behavior lead us to commit them. Resent other people’s success When others succeed, mentally tough persons are among the first to offer their congratulations. They don’t feel they are the only ones that are deserving and envious when people get ahead of them. Give up after failure Failure is not an option for any worthwhile endeavor. Thomas Edison failed 1,000 times before he finally got the light bulb right. Determined and persistent are the qualities of the mentally strong. Fear “alone time” How much time do you spend in solitude? Being alone is not something we should avoid. It’s the quiet moments that refreshes and keeps us on track. It’s also the time we can take stock of what matters most. Feel the world owes them something We’re prone to believe we deserve more than what we receive when we work hard. Mentally strong people never feel entitled. Instead, they think of how they can make people’s lives better. Expect immediate results Great things don’t happen overnight and real success takes time. Mentally tough people are patient and know that they are on a journey and not a short trek. Hopefully, this list helps you out. Avoid each and you’ll weather all trials you’ll face in life.

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Dealing with Meeting Fatigue

“Not another meeting,” you say. You’ve just attended one and you’re off to another. Before you know it, half the workday is over and you still got a lot to do at your desk. It’s no surprise that almost 50% of the 3,200 individuals surveyed by believe that most meetings are a waste of time. If you counted the number of hours you’ve spent attending meetings in a year, you’d be astounded by the sum total. On average, employees spend anywhere between 20 to 50 days a year for meetings. Is the time spent justifiable? We’ll leave you to answer that, but what we can do is to suggest ways on how you can deal with meeting fatigue. Respectfully decline or excuse yourself You’re not totally powerless when someone in a higher position asks you to attend a meeting. If you have nothing to contribute or you’re being requested to join so you’ll be kept abreast of the latest, try to decline to attend. An e-mail will suffice if you need to be updated. In many organizations, executives believe that meetings should only be held as a last resort. If there is no need for one, then they don’t call for one. They also realize that people who don’t need to attend meetings should not be asked at all. Apple is known for excusing employees who aren’t required to attend. You’ve said your piece and have been told what to do next. If your presence is no longer necessary, then you can ask to be excused. In many organizations, it’s not considered impolite to leave while a meeting is ongoing. In fact, Elon Musk stated that asking people to stay for no reason is rude. Send a substitute Can a colleague attend in your place? If you can delegate or ask someone to represent you in a meeting, so much the better. Your representative can update you later. This is standard practice in many organizations. Executives don’t mind alternates during sessions. Though you’ll have to return the favor. Look on the bright side You can’t decline, excuse yourself or send a substitute. In short, you’re stuck. So, make the most out of that meeting you can’t avoid. Don’t let your mind wander off or silently fume because you prefer doing something more pressing instead. Topics for discussion unrelated to you, may bore you to death. But, you could learn something new which could come in handy in the future. It’s also your chance to get to know your coworkers more. You may not be aware of their opinions and their stand on many company-related issues. Decisions could be made that can also affect what you do. And, there’s always that unexpected announcement or revelation that may be important. To Wrap Up If you are a decision-maker, you can create a culture where meetings are only held if necessary. Also, you can make several changes to make these more efficient. On the other hand, if you’re like the rest of us, give one of our tips a try. You’ll find yourself less stressed and more productive.

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