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Did You Know You Could Communicate Your Emotions In 3 Surprising Ways?

A respected researcher, Sigal Barsade who’s been looking into and studying emotional contagion for many years says emotions spread among people like a virus that thrives in the air. From her findings and observations from other research studies on the subject, here are three ways through which your emotions are actually spread : The inflection of your voice – It’s one of the principal ways we transmit how we feel to other people and generally, they’re able to grasp the feelings they deduce from the tone of our voice. In other words, it’s not so much what you say, but how you say it. In an interesting study conducted by Roland Neumann and Franz Strack, they had participants listened to several actors reading an impartial spiel using happy, sad, and neutral inflections. The findings? The group who listened to the actor with a positive inflection reported feeling optimistic. Those who stayed with the actor with sad inflection didn’t like it at all. Our tiny facial muscles – Experts say that when we talk with other people, we are unaware that we’re mimicking the micro-movements of the other person’s facial muscles. This happens automatically in milliseconds, without us being conscious of it. Be it their lips, eyebrows or eyes, we’re actually attuned to the subtle movements of other peoples’ tiny facial muscles. For instance, when you see a guy who just spotted a tiger nearby, your brain cells, called mirror neurons decode the other person’s facial expression as an expression of his fear. This involuntary mimicking activates a mental and emotional state that jives with the other person so that you yourself also feel his fear and could have spelled the difference between life and death. Facebook posts- While the previous two surprising ways emotions are spread mostly have to do with subconscious movements and mimicry, verbal and non-verbal cues, a A study done by Facebook and published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States says emotional contagion can also happen based only on words. In this study Facebook steered users news feeds towards mostly positive or mostly negative content. The users’ subsequent posts turned out to be either more positive or more negative depending on which group they were in. These observations indicate that emotions expressed by others on Facebook also influence our emotions, constituting evidence (though experimental) that this expansive emotional contagion could also occur and in fact, be happening in social media. So, what’s the point of all this? This whole exercise says we’re spreading our emotions without knowing it or simply being unaware of it. So, if you want to make sure you’re spreading what you’d like to transmit, then take care of yourself, emotionally.

Did You Know You Could Communicate Your Emotions In 3 Surprising Ways? Read More »

Month of December!

December is the twelfth and last month of the year in the modern day Gregorian calendar and its predecessor, the Julian calendar. The month kept its original name from the Latin word decem meaning “ten” which marked it as the tenth month of the year in the Roman calendar. It was named during a time when the calendar year began with March, which is why its name no longer corresponds with its placement in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. December was originally the last month of the old Roman calendar since the winter period was not assigned months. It originally consisted of 30 days, but its length was shortened to 29 days when the months of January and February were added around 700 BCE. During the Julian calendar reform, two days were added to December making it 31 days long. It is the seasonal equivalent of June in the opposite hemisphere. The month contains the winter solstice which is the shortest day of the year and marks the beginning of the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. December starts on the same day of the week as September every year and ends on the same day of the week as April every year. Its birth flower is the holly or Euphorbia pulcherrima and birthstone is the blue turquoise or zircon.

Month of December! Read More »

What organizations need in order to be creative?

Creativity, innovation and a propensity to think out of the box have been proven to be the hard-working, tested characteristics of an organization that have become a successful player in the industry they move in and pursue their business. But before we start to answer “What do companies need to be creative?” We need to accept the belief of numerous experts and management gurus that creativity is not born. It is bred. It is not a question of either you have it or you don’t. Kenneth Robinson, one of the most watched TED talk of all times says …if you ask kindergartens who are creative, the odds are that you’ll find just about everyone raising their hands. If you ask adults, very few will show hands … And this is where the tragedy lies. We all start out with great potential and then grow up in society or join organizations that somehow beat and hammer that creativity out of most of us. And so, the challenge to us HR professionals, or as leaders of organizations is to create a workplace environment for people to be creative enough to do the best work that they could ever have done in their lives. 3 Things You Can Do to Induce Creativity in the Workplace: Create trust and foster curiosity within your organization. Building trust in your people and among themselves is a good, starting block. What you would want is for everyone to believe they are continuous learners and have this pervading atmosphere, this what’s-a-better-way-to-do things stirring in their minds and prevailing at all times. Invest in training continuously and believe in improving the skill sets of your people. Make sure this gets to be a two-way street. It is not the sole responsibility of the leader. It is also every team member’s responsibility. In other words, these regular training and learning sessions should be a partnership. Encourage diversity and difference of opinion. In an atmosphere where a wide range of skill sets and open dialogue are encouraged, open discussions often lead to creativity and ultimately better job performance. Organizations who can find it within their capabilities and resources to do all these three things are those that will tend to grow and enjoy success.  

What organizations need in order to be creative? Read More »

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