This blog explores the concept of FQ (Feminine Intelligence Quotient) a concept developed by My Holland, CEO, and founder of EQuest Asia, FQ offers a mindset shift that emphasises embracing feminine traits such as: Authenticity, Courage, Compassion, and Emotional Intelligence. It emphasizes the importance of awareness in embracing FQ and highlights the role of each component in fostering understanding, empathy, and positive change.
FQ, Feminine Quotient, My Holland, EQuest Asia, mindset shift, embracing feminine traits, authenticity, courage, compassion, emotional intelligence, awareness, workplaces, practicing FQ, cultivating awareness, purpose, fixed mindsets, compassion, empathy, kindness, sense of belonging, Emotional Intelligence (EQ), understanding emotions, connecting with others, leading with empathy, leading with compassion.
Time to read: 1-2 minutes.
Author: Mylan Holland
This blog on FQ (Feminine Quotient) is one of a two part blog. The first part will delve into the concept behind the creation of FQ and explore the reasons why it is essential in today’s world. This blog will focus on exploring the key components and traits that comprise FQ, providing a comprehensive understanding of this important topic.
Embracing FQ: Understanding Others and Making a Difference
In today’s rapidly evolving world, embracing the concept of Feminine Quotient (FQ) is more important than ever. FQ goes beyond understanding oneself; it encompasses understanding others, showing compassion, standing up for what’s right, refusing to remain silent or compliant, and positively influencing those around us. By cultivating FQ, we can create a more inclusive and empathetic society, where everyone’s voices are heard and valued. In this blog, we will explore the key components of FQ and how they can be practiced to make a difference in our personal and professional lives.
Key Components of FQ (Authenticity + Courage + Compassion + Emotional Intelligence)
FQ comprises several key components that are essential for personal growth and leadership. These components include Authenticity, Courage, Compassion, and Emotional Intelligence. Each of these traits plays a crucial role in fostering an environment of understanding, empathy, and positive change.
The Path to FQ
Awareness: The journey towards embracing FQ begins with awareness. We must challenge our beliefs and recognize the need for change in our communities and workplaces. By acknowledging the importance of FQ, we can cultivate a mindset shift that embraces authenticity, courage, compassion, and emotional intelligence.
- Authenticity: Authenticity forms the foundation of FQ. It involves finding our true selves and adjusting our expectations accordingly. Beyond surface-level diversity quotas, true diversity and inclusion can be achieved by embracing authenticity. Women, who often possess a greater sense of authenticity, can guide us in this journey towards a more inclusive society.
- Courage: Courage is necessary to embrace one’s purpose and challenge the status quo. It requires facing fears and fostering trust in an environment that may be filled with deception and fixed mindsets. By acknowledging our fears and embracing our purpose, we can make a difference and create positive change.
- Compassion: Compassion plays a vital role in FQ. By showing empathy and kindness, we create a sense of belonging and inclusion, enabling everyone to contribute their best. As Jacinda Ardern, the former Prime Minister of New Zealand, eloquently put it, “I can be compassionate and strong.” Compassionate intelligence allows us to make a difference while remaining empathetic and understanding.
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Emotional intelligence is the final step in embracing FQ. It involves understanding our emotions, connecting with others on a deeper level, and leading with empathy and compassion. By developing our EQ, we can build stronger relationships, foster collaboration, and positively influence those around us.
Embracing FQ is crucial for creating a more inclusive and empathetic society. By cultivating authenticity, courage, compassion, and emotional intelligence, we can make a difference in both our personal and professional lives. It starts with awareness and a mindset shift, challenging our beliefs and embracing true diversity and inclusion. By understanding others, showing compassion, and positively influencing those around us, we can truly embrace FQ and make a lasting impact. Let us embark on this journey together towards a brighter and more equitable future.
Measure and Train your FQ
FQ is both measurable and trainable. It offers a clear path to creating a world where authenticity, courage, compassion, and emotional intelligence are valued in all aspects of life. EQuest Asia provides expert training in FQ, in both training workshops and one on one coaching. Reach out to us to find out more!
Note: This content is extrapolated from a TEDx video by My Holland, CEO, and founder of EQuest Asia. To dive deeper into the concept of FQ, we encourage you to watch her TEDx talk.