Can you change? Are you stuck with your habits?

We’ve all heard about ‘Brain Plasticity’ or ‘Neuroplasticity’, but what does it actually mean?

Recent scientific research shows that rather than being ‘fixed’ and inflexible by adulthood, our brains are actually making millions of new connections every day in response to our experiences, all throughout our lives. This pliable nature means that it’s not out of the realms of possibility to retrain our brains!

By consciously practising new thoughts and new actions, we actually physically, and functionally, change and build new neural pathways in our brains. With these changes, our brains then direct our thoughts, actions and therefore our feelings.

With dedicated and consistent practise we can create our own desired feelings of happiness, wellbeing and productivity.
The brain is designed to protect us from harm and therefore doesn’t like risks and change. It also does what it knows best, so the challenge is that unless you put the effort in to literally change your mind, it will fall back to well-worn habits.

The good news is that YOU are in charge of this powerful tool! Your brain’s malleability can work to serve you if you give it clear and consistent instructions over time; it can’t help but mould to your commands.  The more you think, act, believe and feel positively, the more you perceive the world to be so, and meaningful changes come about in the physical world around you.

You can retrain your brain to keep you happy, healthy and wealthy!

So get to work on your mind, so it can work for you.

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