Emotional Intelligence

How to Increase Employee Engagement Organizations are now placing more emphasis on employee engagement

Hiring policies today reflect this growing trend. Companies are seeking candidates who not only possess the required skills but have the potential to be highly engaged employees. Companies are also looking inward. They are exploring ways to achieve better employee engagement in the workplace. Below are three suggestions on how you can attain this. Create an Environment for Belongingness A high salary is no longer sufficient to encourage employees to be highly engaged. Many people feel that their employment is only secure as long as their employers view their jobs as necessary. You can’t blame people when they think this way. Employees who dedicated years of their lives to an organization may suddenly lose their jobs because of downsizing or cost-cutting. Fortunately, more companies are beginning to see the benefits of creating an environment where people can feel they belong. They are bringing back the old idea that employees who share their vision are part of a family instead of an organization. Senior officers, department heads and managers are shifting to a leadership style that emphasizes “we” instead of “us” or ”them.” It’s wise if you do the same. Often, praise or an expression of affirmation is all that it takes to make an employee feel valued by your company. If you’re a leader, treat your subordinates as partners who are working with you to achieve shared goals. Unless told otherwise, keep everyone in the loop on the latest news or updates. Recognize effort beyond expectations. Finally, give credit where credit is due. Inspect the areas where your employees work. Are these areas well lit and ventilated? Are the chairs comfortable and desks big enough? Do your employees have the proper tools and equipment to do their work? People won’t feel valued if they work in poor conditions. Employees who feel they belong and appreciated are more likely to become highly engaged in their work. Coming to work no longer feels like a burden. When they are a part of something bigger, they’re bound to be excited every day they go to work.

How to Increase Employee Engagement Organizations are now placing more emphasis on employee engagement Read More »

Qualities of Mentally Strong People

Not a day goes by without challenges that test our mental toughness.  As we overcome these, new trials arise. Don’t be annoyed if you see happy people who seem to have no worries. Newsflash: They have problems too, but they’re not negatively affected by these. Why? They are mentally healthy. The good news is you can be like them.  Keep in mind that to be mentally strong, you’re going have to change your beliefs, behavior, perspective and outlook.   You can best decide what other areas in your life need a little tweaking.  For now, here are some qualities of mentally tough people that you may not be aware of. They Have a High Self-Esteem Mentally healthy people have an excellent yet factual opinion of themselves.  They’re confident, even though they’re not perfect.  They believe in their abilities which they continue to improve while seeking new ones to master.  When they encounter problems, they focus on finding solutions.  For them, life is not a series of problems, but a series of problem-solving! Don’t take your skills and strengths for granted.  List them down and you’ll realize you have more than what you thought you had. They Are Emotionally Healthy Mentally tough people never waste their energy wallowing in self-pity.  Life might have dealt them a bad hand. But, they make the most of what they have or the circumstances they’re in. They never feel sorry for themselves. Emotionally healthy people control their emotions, especially fear, sadness and anger.   In the face of adversity, they boldly rise to the challenge.  And when they pursue their goals, they do so with passion and determination. They Are Not Afraid of Failure Mentally tough people are always ready to take a leap of faith into the great unknown. They don’t listen to naysayers who may include their family or others close to them.  If they believe something is worth doing, they’ll forge ahead fully committed.   It doesn’t matter to them if they fail.  What matters to them is they tried. They Are Not Afraid of Rejection The fear of rejection is one significant deterrent for many people.  But, mentally healthy people like great salespersons don’t take it personally when they’re told “no thanks”, “another time perhaps” or even simply waved away.  They are self-assured, mentally and emotionally.  In the aftermath of rejection,   they simply move on with their confidence intact. They Stick To Their Dreams Mentally healthy people are unwavering when it comes to their aspirations in life.   They view challenges as mountains to surmount. They expect hardships and obstacles but do not avoid them.   Aware that there is no easy road to success, they stay the course.  At the end of the road, they know they will achieve their goals in life. They Never Stop Learning Socrates said that admitting one’s ignorance is the beginning of wisdom.  Benjamin Franklin and others have said something similar but the point is this – mentally tough people don’t pretend to know everything.  Despite having degrees, they continue to seek knowledge by reading books and other publications, searching the internet or enrolling in formal courses. Mentally tough people learn from their mistakes, failures and rejections.  They treat these as guides for their future actions.  Ask any successful person.  They’ll tell you that experience, good or bad, is always a great teacher. Wrapping Up If you want to be mentally healthy, you have to take seriously the qualities you just read.  With just the right effort and determination, you’ll achieve that mental toughness you desire.

Qualities of Mentally Strong People Read More »

How to Increase Employee Engagement

Organizations are now placing more emphasis on employee engagement. Hiring policies today reflect this growing trend. Companies are seeking candidates who not only possess the required skills but have the potential to be highly engaged employees. Companies are also looking inward. They are exploring ways to achieve better employee engagement in the workplace. Below are three suggestions on how you can attain this. Create an Environment for Belongingness A high salary is no longer sufficient to encourage employees to be highly engaged. Many people feel that their employment is only secure as long as their employers view their jobs as necessary. You can’t blame people when they think this way. Employees who dedicated years of their lives to an organization may suddenly lose their jobs because of downsizing or cost-cutting. Fortunately, more companies are beginning to see the benefits of creating an environment where people can feel they belong. They are bringing back the old idea that employees who share their vision are part of a family instead of an organization. Senior officers, department heads and managers are shifting to a leadership style that emphasizes “we” instead of “us” or ”them.” It’s wise if you do the same. Often, praise or an expression of affirmation is all that it takes to make an employee feel valued by your company. If you’re a leader, treat your subordinates as partners who are working with you to achieve shared goals. Unless told otherwise, keep everyone in the loop on the latest news or updates. Recognize effort beyond expectations. Finally, give credit where credit is due. Inspect the areas where your employees work. Are these areas well lit and ventilated? Are the chairs comfortable and desks big enough? Do your employees have the proper tools and equipment to do their work? People won’t feel valued if they work in poor conditions. Employees who feel they belong and appreciated are more liy to become highly engaged in their work. Coming to work no longer feels like a burden. When they are a part of something bigger, they’re bound to be excited every day they go to work. Encourage Creativity and Innovation Organizations claim they encourage employees to think outside the box. Not everyone practices what they preach. Many leaders become insecure when their subordinates come up with better ideas. Instead of encouraging creativity, they stifle it. But if you feel secure in your position, always ask your employees for their opinions and ideas. If there are better ways to perform tasks, it helps everyone in the organization. New ideas save time and also improve the bottom line. Make it a practice to listen to any new idea. Don’t dismiss it immediately if it hasn’t been tried yet. Be receptive and make comments later after you’ve made a proper study. Build Personal Relationships Get to know your employees better. Spend time with them at cafes, bars and restaurants. In a relaxed environment, you can find out what motivates them and what they enjoy doing. Who knows, you might even discover hidden skills which can be applied at work. Also, when they are comfortable with you, they’re likely to be more honest. Keep in mind you should be honest with them too. Foster friendships at your workplace. If employees work with people they see as friends, they’re more committed to the team and the organization. They’re bound to strive harder and become more engaging because they want to help their friends. You know this is true as you would always choose to work with people you call friends. Conscientiously apply the steps above and soon, you will see an improvement in your organization. What was once perhaps a group of indifferent people will now be replaced by highly engaged friends. To learn more about our upcoming trainings, programs, and events, click here.

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