Empowering Women

Women Leaders

Be Fair to Women Leaders

Be Fair to Women Leaders It isn’t enough that organizations give women more opportunities to develop into leaders. When they become one, they should be fairly evaluated too. Sure, there are women in leadership roles today. But, they may not be judged impartially by their colleagues, even when they’re performing well. It doesn’t help that many women believe that men are better leaders. You are likely to find them in your midst. Nevertheless, before you assess a woman leader, take note of the following. These will help you give a fair assessment. » Your Unconscious Biases Have you asked yourself what you think of women leaders? You may be unaware of deep-rooted biases that influence your opinion of women. Culture can have an effect. In several modern societies, women aren’t encouraged to pursue high positions. There’s that belief that these jobs are better suited for men. Experiences can also play a role. For instance, an unpleasant encounter with a woman leader can create negative opinions without you knowing it.  So, when evaluating, make sure you’re being objective. Question your reasoning when you make opinions about women in leadership roles. » Your Organization You can’t change a company’s culture overnight. Some organizations need to be restructured when deciding to become diverse. Many businesses claim they don’t have glass ceilings. If there are no programs or a conscious effort to promote and train women for leadership, then it’s just empty talk. Do women in your organization enjoy the same opportunities given to men? Are employees open to reporting to women bosses?   When women leaders work in an environment where gender biases exist, they always fall short of expectations. » Define Parameters for Evaluation Did a leader, regardless of gender, accomplish goals for the month, quarter or year? This is one of the basic questions during assessments. There should be criteria for evaluation. Also, as an evaluator, provide evidence such as results. When giving opinions, cite events or situations when a leader did well or otherwise. Most organizations have well-thought-out questionnaires used for evaluations. Without one, there’s a tendency to make judgments influenced by biases. » Make the First Step. When a woman leader is assertive, many may view her as abrasive. When she shows empathy, she’s considered soft. Encouraging cooperation, employees think she’s weak. Don’t stereotype and maybe, try to change the hearts and minds of people who view women as inferior. When evaluating a woman leader, stick with performance criteria. Don’t look for skills or traits that are unnecessary for the job. Lastly, set an example by sharing your thoughts with others. You may be the spark your organization needs.

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Gender bias signs

Watch Out for these Gender Bias Signs

Watch Out for these Gender Bias Signs Gender bias is the tendency to prefer one gender over the other. Often, men receive preferential treatment in the professional world. More organizations are striving to close the gender gap in their respective industries. But, gender stereotyping might still be happening unconsciously in the workplace. This bias is the tendency to prefer one gender over the other. Often, men receive preferential treatment in the professional world. Even with good intentions, organizations unknowingly may be perpetuating this bias. So, it’s best to look out for these signs and stop unhealthy behavior in the office. 1. Parenthood Bias Demanding jobs require much from employees. This means spending more hours at work, whether in the office or home. As a result, many employers believe that mothers or women, who intend to raise a family, may not be fully committed to additional tasks. A study in the American Journal of Sociology (March 2007) revealed a bias against mothers. They are less likely to be hired or promoted. You might think it isn’t happening at your workplace. You could be wrong. Sometimes, stereotyping can be disguised as something else. Expecting less from moms because they can’t stay late, take business trips or attend dinner meetings is not being considerate. Limiting their responsibilities means restraining them from growing, developing and allowing them to reach their full potential. 2. Classification Bias In many countries, people wouldn’t vote for women during elections. Despite strides in all areas of life, women are still viewed as weak, too emotional, etc. Those that break the mold are viewed as exceptions rather than the norm. Women can be weak, but not all are. Unfortunately, in some societies, biases against women remain. Stereotyping can also affect how managers assign tasks to their colleagues. When women are viewed as inferior, they aren’t given significant responsibilities. So, if you’re a manager, determine first when delegating work if an employee’s gender is affecting your choices. 3. Held Beliefs Bias It doesn’t help that many women are not confident with women leaders. They prefer to work for men. They believe that the latter is better based on gender alone. Beliefs formed by experience or influence are ingrained in people’s minds. It’s a challenge to change and modify these. Many women believe that they are incapable of demanding tasks or leadership roles. When this happens, they view other women as unfit too. Many beliefs also restrain women from trying out other opportunities. Being excellent in administration but not in finance is one example. The truth is that the latter isn’t the exclusive domain of men. There is no one surefire way of removing biases in the workplace. But, determining if these exist is already one big step.

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Why Women Are Successful Networkers

Why Women Are Successful Networkers For some time, networking has been the domain of men. They found it easy to connect with others through social groups and create professional relationships. Developing contacts and exchanging information informally are necessary to advance careers. Having mentors or knowing industry counterparts can be valuable to any person seeking success. Also, many businesses increase their clientele through social networks. But there are several reasons why people, many women, aren’t fond of networking. Among these, many think that professionals network for self-serving purposes. Alliances that are formed are only temporary. These exist only if they are advantageous to all persons involved. Also, one common belief is that networks become political. Politics is not everyone’s cup of tea. But, the word networking no longer conjures images of men drinking and smoking cigars in exclusive clubs. Women are forming networks, too and many of them are doing things differently. So, before you disregard networking, here are excellent reasons that might change your mind. 1.     Women succeed with long-term relationships. Men understand that forming alliances is needed to get ahead. It doesn’t matter if their relationships are purely for business. Women, on the other hand, favor meaningful relationships. They prefer smaller and sincere ties with people they can trust. It’s not surprising that women are forming circles composed of women. Often, this leads to support systems where they share professional and personal advice. Friendships are created, making networks more valuable. 2.     Women are wired for collaboration. Yes, men form alliances. But, they only do as long as these serve their interests. On the other hand, women find common ground, which helps them see eye to eye with others. Women work to enhance working relationships in the office, gaining them more visibility. Men, however, view getting ahead as a competition. Also, women tend to share career advice and information about advancement opportunities. This can result in a higher probability of getting a better position. 3.     Networks are boundless. Women are better at making and maintaining connections with people from other industries and communities. They seek new relationships beyond their known circle. When they move to another company or city, they often keep their contact list while searching for new ones. 4.     Women provide something different to networks. Successful women networkers are not only intelligent. They bring warmth to groups and aren’t afraid to show empathy.   Women also favor authenticity. When sincere, they encourage people to trust them, which improves the exchange of ideas. Women are more transformational than transactional. They always think of what’s best for all members of their circle.

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