
“What organizations need inorder to be creative?”

Creativity, innovation and a propensity to think out of the box have been proven to be the hard-working, tested characteristics of an organization that have become a successful player in the industry they move in and pursue their business. But before we start to answer “What do companies need to be creative?” We need to accept the belief of numerous experts and management gurus that creativity is not born. It is bred. It is not a question of either you have it or you don’t.   Kenneth Robinson, one of the most-watched TED talk of all times says …if you ask kindergartens who are creative, the odds are that you’ll find just about everyone raising their hands. If you ask adults, very few will show hands … And this is where the tragedy lies. We all start out with great potential and then grow up in a society or join organizations that somehow beat and hammer that creativity out of most of us. And so, the challenge to us HR professionals , or as leaders of organizations is to create a workplace environment for people to be creative enough to do the best work that they could ever have done in their lives.   3 Things You Can Do to Induce Creativity in the Workplace:   1)   Create trust and foster curiosity within your organization. Building trust in your people and among themselves is a good, starting block. What you would want is for everyone to believe they are continuous learners and have this pervading atmosphere, this what’s-a-better-way-to-do things stirring in their minds and prevailing at all times.   2)   Invest in training continuously and believe in improving the skill sets of your people. Make sure this gets to be a two-way street. It is not the sole responsibility of the leader. It is also every team member’s responsibility. In other words, these regular training and learning sessions should be a partnership.   3)   Encourage diversity and difference of opinion. In an atmosphere where a wide range of skill sets and open dialogue are encouraged, open discussions often lead to creativity and ultimately better job performance.   Organizations who can find it within their capabilities and resources to do all these three things are those that will tend to grow and enjoy success.   

“What organizations need inorder to be creative?” Read More »

Gratitude Calendar: Month of February

February is the second month of the year in the Gregorian calendar and its predecessor, the Julian Calendar, and is the only month that has less than 30 days. It was named after the Latin word februum, which means purification because the month was a time for purification. The old Roman calendar considered the winter season a month less period, and the year consisted of only 10 months. The month of February was added, along with January, around 700 BCE, so that the calendar would reflect a standard lunar year of 355 days. February became the second month of the year around 450 BCE, although it was originally the last month of the year. February was shortened to either 23 or 24 days at certain intervals in the Roman calendar, and a 27-day intercalary month was inserted after February to realign the year with the seasons. As part of the Julian calendar reform, the intercalary month was abolished and every fourth year was declared a leap year where a 29th day was added to February. It is the only month that can pass without a single full moon. February’s birth flower is the violet and the common primrose. The birthstone for February is the amethyst which symbolizes piety, humility, spiritual wisdom and sincerity. Get your FREE Gratitude 2019 Calendar. Click HERE. Exclusive calendar only from EQuest Asia Pty Ltd.

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Are you a genuine person? let’s have a look at the behaviours….

6 Behavioral Patterns That Say You’re A Genuine Person Most research studies have shown Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to be essential to job performance. In tests conducted among hundreds of thousands of people, it explains fifty eight percent (58%) of success in various types of jobs. Reports have it that ninety percent (90%) of top business leaders have high EQ and are known to make, on average, an estimated twenty nine thousand dollars ($29,000) more than people with low EQ. The Lowdown On Emotional Intelligence It’s a given truth. Emotional Intelligence is a force you can steer towards one direction and achieve great results. There’s just one catch to it. It doesn’t work if you’re not genuine. That’s because people don’t usually accept displays of Emotional Intelligence at face value. They’re skeptical. They don’t just want to see it. They’d like to know it’s real, sincere and honest and is not being used to manipulate things and people. This is a fact found in most surveys which say that leaders who are sincere are a lot more effective in motivating people. They inspire trust and respect with what they do rather than with what they say. In other words these genuine leaders walk their talk. Here are 6 habits that’ll help you determine if you’re one of the genuine people. Genuine people don’t go out of their way to please others. They are who they are. What you see is what you get. They know not everybody will like them neither will everybody dislike them but they’re OK with that. They’re not going to let that stand in the way of doing the right thing. They won’t hesitate to take unpopular positions or make unpopular decisions if that’s what situations demand. Genuine people don’t pre-judge. They keep an open mind which most people find interesting because they don’t make a judgment on people or form an opinion before they get to know them first hand. At the workplace, a person’s open-mindedness is important, as it makes him/her approachable allowing for access to new ideas and out-of-the-box thinking. Genuine people treat everybody with respect. Whether you’re a big client or a busboy in some fast food restaurant expect genuine people to treat you fair and square . They believe they’re no better than anybody else. Genuine people aren’t boastful or swell-headed. They are not insecure or in panic that if they don’t talk about the great things they’ve done, no one will notice. No. these genuine guys are confident about their accomplishments and know the merits of what they’ve done will stand on its own. Genuine people aren’t materialistic. For them, it’s not about fat checkbooks or fancy, glittering jewels or fine dining in posh restaurants. Not that they have anything against those things. They just don’t need them to feel happy. It’s from within that their joy comes. Family, friends and a sense of purpose … they’re what makes their lives full and rich. Genuine people share. They don’t hold back anything from you … not knowledge, not resources. They’re not afraid you’ll outshine or outperform them when they give you access to what they know and whom they know. They’d want you to do well. They believe your success is theirs as well. Putting it all together, you’d realise genuine people are sure enough about themselves and are firmly grounded in reality. They’re not figuring out somebody’s own agenda or even worrying about their own. They know who they are. If you still are in doubt as to who you are, go through these six behavioral patterns. Get them all right and I’d say … “Welcome to the Club!”

Are you a genuine person? let’s have a look at the behaviours…. Read More »

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