
"Do Women Make Good Leaders?"

“Do Women Make Good Leaders?”

Women are often underestimated in the world of business. Some countries mark the month of March as National Women’s History Month. The UN celebrates the International Women’s Day every 8th of March where the said day recognises and celebrates the achievement of women. So what better way to mark this day than by discussing a popular debate topic – do women make good leaders? At the lowest levels of workplaces across the globe, over half of employees are women, but as you move up the organisational ladder, the number of women drop off dramatically. In fact, at the very top of the tree, as few as 4% of organisation leaders are female. There are lots of discussions and claims out there about the way in which leadership between men and women differs. Traditionally, women are nurturing, empathetic and emotional. How do these traits and qualities translate into the world of business and leadership? Do they set us back or do they drive us forward? One Harvard Business Review (HBR) survey looked at 16 key competencies that make a good leader (including taking initiative, developing others and inspiring/motivating colleagues). The 7,280 results from the public and private sector companies proved the usual stereotypes – women rank higher than men in the so-called ‘nurturing’ competencies, such as building relationships. No surprises there. But what was also interesting, was that women also excelled outside of the traditional ‘female’ strengths. Women were rated higher than men in 12 of the 16 competencies, and were rated overall better leaders by their peers. When it comes to two of the traits – taking initiative and driving for results – men are often assumed to be better at these, but it was women who topped the poll. With the exception of the ‘ability to develop a strategic perspective, ’ in which men trumped women, women are highly regarded in leadership roles, because – not in spite – of their emotional and empathetic tendencies. Women are often underestimated in the world of business. They can face sexism in the workplace, but also a lack of self-belief. Tradition places men at the top of organisational structures, but the tide is changing … slowly but surely. Studies like this, and many more, prove that people within business rate women as strong leaders. Having the respect of those you work with is half the battle. Qualities such as being emotional are not viewed as negative traits by them, but as a positive in forging relationships with colleagues and more importantly, driving and achieving results. Let’s hope that not only the businesses out there take note of this, but women themselves. We need to have self-confidence to be able to go for the big jobs without fear of rejection or inferiority. Our traditionally ‘female’ traits do not have to be a barrier to success – they can be our reasons for success.

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"Eight Best Tips for Career Women"

“Eight Best Tips for Career Women”

It doesn’t matter in what field you may be pursuing your career – the arts, public service, the sciences, business management, information technology, math, engineering or any other male-dominated fields – these following tips should help strengthen your resolve to succeed in your professional life: Never say “You can’t do it.” Take a risk. The noted director of widely popular Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Ellen Stofan says she took a risk when offered her first management job. She didn’t think she was equipped to handle it but took on the job anyway and discovered she had the skills to make a success of it. Always have a plan B – If plan A doesn’t work, plan B or even plan C should give you another crack at making it work. Decide and concentrate on who you’re going to be and what you will contribute. Remember that your career is a path. You will have to think about the decisions you will have to make as part of traversing this path leading towards your development as a person and as a professional. Take note of how you spend your time – Log it down and note the big time-users and work out how you can reduce these so you can put in more time into those activities that increase your income, boost your well-being and strengthen your impact. Find ways to delegate or drop the other unnecessary stuff. Have a mindset anchored on growth – Angela Duckworth, author of GRIT; THE POWER OF PASSION AND PERSEVERANCE says, in essence, that having a growth mindset is important. It’s critical to have a hopeful, optimistic way of viewing your experiences and constantly looking to see what you can learn even during the bad times. Never stop learning. Develop your talent – It’s not a question of either you have it or you don’t. With practice and determination, you can develop a special talent you’re interested in. The trick is to work hard and practice to improve in something that has captured your heart. Learn how to communicate effectively – The Vice President and Global Head Honcho of Diversity and Inclusion for Lockheed, Martin, Rainia Washington say communication is one of her “3 C’s” for career success. Nothing beats having great skills in written and oral communications. Her other “2 C’s” are courage and character. It won’t hurt too to get some expert coaching when you can. Seize the opportunity when it comes up – Taking advantage of opportunities is key to every career woman’s growth and success. In the course of your work, identify the tasks or assignments that promise promotions, then ask for those. You will have to go beyond simply performing in your current position. You have got to show your potential. These are 8 important, tried, and tested tips, that have boosted women’s career in various fields. Try them and don’t worry too much about what your officemates may say, or even about not being liked. Not all successful women are liked.

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“No Pain. No Gain.”

It’s funny. We all have big dreams of fame and fortune, success and happiness, and yet …the minute we’re faced with some challenge, some sort of obstacle or hindrance along the way, right off the bat, we shelve them with raised arms in surrender and give them up totally. Why? The experts have an explanation for this. In his book “Ego Is the Enemy” Ryan Holiday writes that a primary obstacle to success is the idea of success. Your mind seduces you in a powerful way such that the idea of success becomes more satisfying than success itself, so you stop at the idea of success and never make it real.  It’s so easy to dream. There’s no pain in it. It’s so easy to tell your friends about your ambitions, create visions of success and wealth or define your goals. And that’s where most people stop. The very act of dreaming stops you from making your dreams come true. Consequently, when you attempt to do the things required towards achieving your dreams and hit a stone wall of resistance, more often than not, you immediately distract yourself from this discomfort with some kind of fleeting pleasure, creating some sort of this-won’t-hurt the comfortable situation. Robert Green, in his book “Mastery” explains that you can learn to love this internal resistance. You find some sort of perverse enjoyment in transcending the pain you might encounter in pursuit of achieving your dreams. In truth, the author contends that the discomfort or even pain that usually come with personal growth and success should be embraced. They are an affirmation that you are proactively putting yourself through a transformative process. Another theoretical idea that explains why we easily give up on our dreams is the 40% principle. This essentially is the threshold number when people feel they’re all maxed out mentally and physically and therefore stop when they are at only forty percent (40%) of their capacity and potential. Going beyond 40% of this capacity is when things get to be rough, get to be uncomfortable, or when pain is likely to set in. It’s at this juncture when just about everyone rushes to put his/her dreams in the back burner. For the few rare individuals who thrive and succeed, this is a definite NO-NO! When they do things, they never stop until it’s complete. So, how do I get out of this rut? Two inspirational thoughts: A life that doesn’t include hard-won accomplishment and triumphs over obstacles may not be a satisfying one. There is something deeply fulfilling, even thrilling in doing almost anything difficult extremely well. And from the great Mohammed Ali…  he reportedly lived by this… “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up”.

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