
Trust Means Having More Faith in People

Trust Means Having More Faith in People The word faith is often associated with religion. This article focuses on believing in others. Many employees complain when they’re assigned challenging tasks. They assume it’s some form of punishment. They’re mistaken because they aren’t aware that they’re trusted with more complex work. In short, their bosses believe in them.   Conversely, some leaders prefer to do the hard stuff on their own. They strictly abide by the phrase, “if you want something done right, do it yourself.” They rarely delegate tasks to others because they don’t believe in their colleagues. These leaders claim there’s trust in their organizations. But they barely show confidence in the people they work with. The question is which side of the fence you belong to. Before moving on… The word faith is often associated with religion. This article focuses on believing in others. Faith in people doesn’t mean being Blind As a leader, you wouldn’t assign tasks to colleagues when unsure of their abilities. You would first ask yourself, what are your employees capable of? You can determine this from past performances and experience. What about the new employees who haven’t been tested? You can find out by assigning them simple tasks and soon increasing the difficulty. Believing in people also means accepting their weaknesses and shortcomings. Ignoring these can lead to blind faith. Keep in mind that perfect employees do not exist. There’s more than one way to cook an egg This is a good reminder for the perfectionists out there. They believe that their method of doing things is the only right way. Faith in others’ skills or abilities can increase efficiency and innovation. Also, expressing confidence is a motivator as employees strive harder to prove themselves worthy of such. If you want to build trust in your organization, let others flourish. Actively look out for people who are capable of taking on challenges. They may discover new ways or even develop better ideas that will benefit your organization. Don’t lose faith because of failures People you believe in will sometimes fail you. If you’re a sports fan, you’ve witnessed times when star players failed to score at a crucial time. The best sports teams, though, will continue to believe and remain confident in them.

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Tips on Having an Effective One-on-One Meeting

Tips on Having an Effective One-on-One Meeting Many employees think one-on-one meetings are useless. They go through the motions and expect nothing to come out of it. The reason could be simple. The wrong questions are being asked and nothing worthy is discussed. You want to get the most out of these sit-downs as a leader. These are not ordinary conversations, although you want to set a conversational tone to create a relaxed atmosphere. Much feedback can be gained from one-on-one meetings if done right. The challenge is that many bosses don’t realize that it’s their responsibility to conduct meaningful discussions. If you’re a manager, boss or the top person in your organization, take note of the following before you call or schedule a sit-down. 1.     The first step is to review notes from past meetings. It will give you an idea of where your starting point is. 2.     The next step is to prepare questions relevant to the person you’re to meet. Don’t waste time on subjects your employee doesn’t know about. Avoid templates or generic questionnaires. These don’t do much good today. However, there are basic questions that you should consider and here are several: • What’s new? The answer could be anything and that’s okay. This is a conversation starter and an ice breaker. • Where are we with this project? (or anything ongoing). You’re asking for updates and a progress report. • Are there concerns or problems you would like to bring up? • What is your solution to the problem you’ve mentioned? • Do you need any help like support from other departments? • “Do you need more funds?” instead of “are you operating within budget?” The latter implies a colleague is a spendthrift. • Are you on track to achieve your weekly/month/quarter/year goals? • How can I be of help?   Encourage your employee to keep talking. So don’t forget the following: ·  Go on… ·  Why do you think that? ·  Tell me more. ·  Give me an example. 3.     Listen and take notes, which means putting on silent distractions like phones. You may not agree, but acknowledge what your employee is saying. Also, you shouldn’t talk too much or too little. Offer suggestions and advice when you can. 4.     Recap and plan for the next meeting. Summarize everything discussed and ask your employee if you missed anything. Also, determine what needs to be addressed the next time you meet. After your meeting, evaluate how you did and find out how you can do better next time.

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Women Leaders

Be Fair to Women Leaders

Be Fair to Women Leaders It isn’t enough that organizations give women more opportunities to develop into leaders. When they become one, they should be fairly evaluated too. Sure, there are women in leadership roles today. But, they may not be judged impartially by their colleagues, even when they’re performing well. It doesn’t help that many women believe that men are better leaders. You are likely to find them in your midst. Nevertheless, before you assess a woman leader, take note of the following. These will help you give a fair assessment. » Your Unconscious Biases Have you asked yourself what you think of women leaders? You may be unaware of deep-rooted biases that influence your opinion of women. Culture can have an effect. In several modern societies, women aren’t encouraged to pursue high positions. There’s that belief that these jobs are better suited for men. Experiences can also play a role. For instance, an unpleasant encounter with a woman leader can create negative opinions without you knowing it.  So, when evaluating, make sure you’re being objective. Question your reasoning when you make opinions about women in leadership roles. » Your Organization You can’t change a company’s culture overnight. Some organizations need to be restructured when deciding to become diverse. Many businesses claim they don’t have glass ceilings. If there are no programs or a conscious effort to promote and train women for leadership, then it’s just empty talk. Do women in your organization enjoy the same opportunities given to men? Are employees open to reporting to women bosses?   When women leaders work in an environment where gender biases exist, they always fall short of expectations. » Define Parameters for Evaluation Did a leader, regardless of gender, accomplish goals for the month, quarter or year? This is one of the basic questions during assessments. There should be criteria for evaluation. Also, as an evaluator, provide evidence such as results. When giving opinions, cite events or situations when a leader did well or otherwise. Most organizations have well-thought-out questionnaires used for evaluations. Without one, there’s a tendency to make judgments influenced by biases. » Make the First Step. When a woman leader is assertive, many may view her as abrasive. When she shows empathy, she’s considered soft. Encouraging cooperation, employees think she’s weak. Don’t stereotype and maybe, try to change the hearts and minds of people who view women as inferior. When evaluating a woman leader, stick with performance criteria. Don’t look for skills or traits that are unnecessary for the job. Lastly, set an example by sharing your thoughts with others. You may be the spark your organization needs.

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