
Encourage Creativity and Innovation

Organizations claim they encourage employees to think outside the box. Not everyone practices what they preach. Many leaders become insecure when their subordinates come up with better ideas. Instead of encouraging creativity, they stifle it. But if you feel secure in your position, always ask your employees for their opinions and ideas. If there are better ways to perform tasks, it helps everyone in the organization. New ideas save time and also improve the bottom line. Make it a practice to listen to any new idea. Don’t dismiss it immediately if it hasn’t been tried yet. Be receptive and make comments later after you’ve made a proper study. Build Personal Relationships Get to know your employees better. Spend time with them at cafes, bars and restaurants. In a relaxed environment, you can find out what motivates them and what they enjoy doing. Who knows, you might even discover hidden skills which can be applied at work. Also, when they are comfortable with you, they’re likely to be more honest. Keep in mind you should be honest with them too. Foster friendships at your workplace. If employees work with people they see as friends, they’re more committed to the team and the organization. They’re bound to strive harder and become more engaging because they want to help their friends. You know this is true as you would always choose to work with people you call friends. Conscientiously apply the steps above and soon, you will see an improvement in your organization. What was once perhaps a group of indifferent people will now be replaced by highly engaged friends.

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Women and Transformational Leadership

Women and Transformational Leadership

The growing number of women in leadership roles has revealed a distinct leadership style that determines how they run their organizations. This leadership style not only focuses on the achievement of goals but also on employee development. Called transformational leadership, it is challenging traditional ways of running organizations. It would be a mistake to say that men do not care about personal development. However, if we are to believe studies, women have shown a natural tendency towards transformational leadership. But before anything else, let’s discuss the leadership style we’re used to. Transactional Leadership We often hear our company’s president, boss or manager tell us, “It’s not the effort that counts, it’s the result?” Yes, it’s all about results with transactional leaders. It doesn’t matter if we are working more than eight hours a day. Although we undergo additional training or attend company-sponsored seminars, these are geared towards doing our jobs better. It’s not really about our personal development. Transactional leaders are often impersonal when engaging their employees. Sure, they go out for drinks with their subordinates, but there’s no real intent in creating a personal relationship. Our dealings with them are limited to updates and problem-solving. Women and Transformational Leadership Is there an explanation of why women are natural transformational leaders? Well, according to scientists, women have higher oxytocin levels than men. Oxytocin is responsible for maternal behavior and social bonding. This high hormone level explains why women have a greater desire to express concern for their subordinates. So, in the event we are called upon to be transformational leaders, it’s best if we do the following to be successful. Communicate with subordinates more often. Communicate in person rather than through a memo or an email, especially when setting goals. Be sincere and honest. You gain your employees’ trust and they reciprocate in the same way. Create a personal relationship with your employees. Money is not the only motivator in the workplace. You’ll find out a lot of your subordinates are enjoying what they are doing. They are always excited to get to work in the morning. Always match your employees’ interests with assigned tasks. Make your employees feel important. Make it your job to let them know they are a significant part of the whole organization. Lead by example. If you want others to change, be the first to change. If you desire teamwork, be a team player. Employees watch your every move. They wouldn’t do anything you wouldn’t do yourself. With a transformational style of leadership, we can make a significant contribution to any organization. Instead of avoiding it, why not embrace it?

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Women Leaders

Women Leaders

Breaking down Barriers Women hold only about 28% of senior-level, executive and managerial positions in the United States. The intention to remedy this situation exists but not enough effort has been made so far. Many organizations would like to give more women opportunities but have been unsuccessful. More steps should be taken to fully break down the barriers that prevent more women from taking leadership roles in organizations. These steps should include the following. Close the Gender Pay Gap Pay inequality is one of the biggest obstacles for women in the workplace. More women have college or master’s degrees but receive less than men with the same educational background. Many factors such as work experience, are used to explain this gender pay gap. But when the qualifications of male and female job aspirants are equal, there should be no excuse for differences in pay. The laws are vague where gender pay gaps are concerned. Individuals, men included, should lobby their representatives to create laws that: Impose more substantial penalties on companies that are guilty of pay inequality. Prevent employers from penalizing their employees who discuss their wages with others. Require companies to disclose wage data. What can be done in the meantime while we wait for laws that will close the gender pay gap? Employers should take the initiative and offer salaries that correspond to a person’s qualifications. Companies want to hire the most qualified person for a leadership role. They shouldn’t hold back on wages when the best person for the job is a woman. Women should ask for more pay when offered a job. A little research will help estimate what a fair wage should be for a job in a specific geographical area. Women should not settle for salaries offered to them initially and subsequently. An employer’s best offer is usually not their last. Provide Better Access to Childcare Services Talented women will resign from their jobs to care for their newborn children. Employers who lose talent will suffer in the long run. Think of the costs alone of training replacements. Companies can team up with childcare services to assist their female employees. Big organizations, on the other hand, can consider building their childcare centers. Address Discrimination Many people have a bias, sometimes indirect, against female leaders. This creates an unhealthy environment for talented women who may eventually seek opportunities elsewhere. Employers should conduct training that will change their employees’ negative perceptions of women leaders. They need to be reminded that women can be good bosses too. With these steps, women will find it more beneficial to take on leadership roles. In time, the barriers they face now will be things of the past!

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