
The Pygmalion Effect in the Workplace

The Pygmalion Effect in the Workplace The Pygmalion effect at work, a psychological phenomenon where high expectations lead to greater performance. Perhaps you were in a situation when someone asked you to do something you thought was beyond your abilities. But in the end, you accomplished what initially seemed an impossible task. Expect much from others and there’s a great chance they’ll deliver much if not greater. This is what happened to you. It’s not an isolated case. In many elementary schools, children grouped with brilliant students tend to achieve more. Also, leaders who hold employees to higher standards result in better performance. However, when expectations are lower, results are mediocre at best. Yes, how people are viewed and treated has a bearing on their behavior.    This is the Pygmalion effect at work, a psychological phenomenon where high expectations lead to greater performance. So, you might think that all you have to do is expect more from others for them to achieve more. It’s not that simple. The Pygmalion Effect is just one factor.  But, before holding colleagues and loved ones to higher expectations, keep the following in mind. >> Be Realistic Are your expectations attainable? Goals aren’t only measurable. These should be reachable too. Asking a sales force to double production by yearend may sound possible to some businesses, but not for others. When you hold people to your expectations, be sure they can achieve desired results. Accountants can’t create a marketing plan unless they have the skill and experience. Besides, that’s not the primary function of a CPA. The key is to understand what each person is capable of doing. So, take time to know them before you set expectations. >> Remain positive If, on the first try, people don’t reach goals, don’t lower your expectations. An employee not succeeding the first time doesn’t necessarily mean a lack of ability. Leaders often communicate what they think of others’ abilities without saying it. They convey their confidence, or lack of it, through nonverbal cues. So, be honest in your continuous belief in employees and their potential. Never fake it.  Also, remind them that failure is a learning process. It is one necessary step that gets people closer to success. >> Don’t underestimate self-fulfilling prophecies Negative self-talk leads to self-doubt. Many underachievers need a little push in the right direction. Take time to encourage and motivate with high expectations. When employees realize others have faith in them, their mindset changes and performance improves. Yes, you can! When said with conviction, these three words can change people’s lives. Remain consistent and soon, employees will meet or exceed your expectations.

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Why Unfinished Business Always Pops in Your Mind

Before reading this, try to recall all the tasks you accomplished in the last five days. There’s a great chance you won’t remember all. Now, think of all the things that you left undone. But maybe you don’t have to because these keep popping in your head. And these might be causing stress right now. It’s not just tasks. How often have you stopped reading a book or watching a movie before the end? Yes, people love stories. But, they want to get to the conclusion as not knowing can drive them crazy. What can explain this behavior?  Well, have you ever heard of the Zeigarnik Effect?  a psychologist, postulated that incomplete tasks were easier to remember than completed ones. These remain in people’s conscious minds because they cause mental tension.  It’s no wonder you recall unfinished business repeatedly.  Not all experts agree on the effect, as more research has to be done. One of the questions is whether this is good or bad. But, everyone can agree that when you experience it, there are ways to deal with it. Here are three:  Accomplish your tasks promptly. It’s relative for each person. Many jobs cannot be done by the end of a day. But, by completing small chunks daily, you finish the whole sooner.  People put off working on tasks until the last minute. In short, they procrastinate. Everyone does. If you want to ease stress, begin working on your tasks ASAP.  And, why not reward yourself when you accomplish something. It could be a glass of that expensive wine you’ve been saving.    Use the Effect for your Benefit.   If the Zeigarnik Effect is real, use it to help you. For instance, if you’re preparing for a presentation, forget cramming all that information in one sitting. Instead, divide these into smaller portions. Focus on each and take breaks. Then move on to the next one. You’ll realize you retain more data because your brain tells you that your presentation isn’t complete. Maybe you could use it in your job? Ads and movie trailers are good examples. Marketers use story-telling to get customers to stay tuned.  Use it as Motivation. Maybe you have an alarm clock or use your smartphone to wake you up. You won’t believe it, but these regularize your sleeping behavior.  Treat the Zeigarnik Effect as an alarm to attend to unfinished business. If you want that internal reminder to go silent, finish whatever you started. Instead of bugging your mind, treat the effect as motivation. 

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How To Be Your Best With A Growth Mindset

A growth mindset has been widely defined by business leaders as a belief that any one can grow and develop his/her ability for learning, improving and becoming a better person in the workplace or in any other circumstance. It’s not a fixed mindset, something that asserts one has a natural-born, genetic talent and skills and that one either has them or not. A growth mindset is the “I-can-learn-and-do-the-job-well” kind of thinking and it’s what can make the difference in your career. And so, on Monday, when you report back for work from a blissful, quiet and relaxing, no-mother-in-law issues week-end, come in ready to adjust and make changes in the way you think about yourself at work. Make use of these new insights to get in real top shape. Here’s what you can do to build and maintain a growth mindset to help you achieve and exceed your usual output: Recognize, know and accept you’ve got great potential for growth. Find yourself some quiet time to do some pencil pushing. Write down your plans, outlining where you are at present and where you’d want to be by yearend. Then write down clearly the measures you need to take to get there. Share these plans with a trusted colleague or friend. It’ll sort of “push you” into sticking to these plans and help you hit your goals. Look for favors or things that you can do to help others. Professor Adam Grant of Wharton, in his book “Give and Take” says helping others drives our success. He contends that people who think of others in their motivation, who works on both individual and community goals are the most successful achievers. When you commit to help others and put this above your own well-being, you are already practicing great leadership qualities. Even small things, like coaching or mentoring a co-worker who’d benefit from your background, education or talent, goes along way towards helping you reach your personal goals. Be curious and open your mind to new ideas. Part of having a growth mindset is recognizing that our total work experience is a continuing learning process. When you’ve got this embedded in your mind, the challenges that’ll face you will become less scary. This is where your love for learning will do wonders big time! Open your eyes, heart and mind to new ideas. Don’t knock them down no matter how unorthodox or strange they may be. These, in the end will help you to make connections between ideas and concepts and help you to learn new skills, gain new insights or new ways of improving. When you start working these approaches into your routine, you’ll be on your way to developing a growth mindset that’ll help you get to where you’d want to be by yearend. Good luck!

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