
Why To-Do Lists are Good for You

Post-it notes have become part of people’s lives. You’ll find it everywhere – on desks, the fridge, walls and doors. These are constant reminders of all the tasks that need to be done. Whether it’s not to forget to buy milk on the way home or pay bills, people are helped a lot by little pieces of paper. It’s not just Post-it notes. Others use memo pads, diaries and even their digital devices as reminders. Unfortunately, they can be overwhelmed by too many of these. But did you know that these can significantly help reduce anxiety and accomplish tasks. >> You achieve clarity Writing down or typing tasks give you a clearer picture of what needs to be done. When you do, you often realize that it’s mostly small stuff. The human brain can create mountains out of molehills. Remember, a small rock can cast a large shadow. It makes a difference when people focus on the former and not the latter. When people specify, the job ahead becomes more effortless. Or, if a task is too big, breaking it into smaller chunks makes it more manageable. But write or again, type these down. >> You prioritize What needs to be done now or today? Itemizing tasks can help you determine which are urgent and not. This also enables you to focus on one task at a time. Tests have shown a to-do list helps people. Try this out? Think of all the tasks you need to accomplish and often, you’ll forget one or several. Also, you can’t possibly sort your mental list according to importance. Now, try writing these on paper. Wouldn’t you agree, there’s a vast difference? >> You can schedule Some people get rid of simple tasks that don’t require effort and thinking. This is because it takes them time to warm up. Others, they like to handle challenging jobs first thing in the morning. With a to-do list, you can schedule which tasks to accomplish first. You can even set a time for checking on your social media accounts. Doing so will allow you to achieve more during the day. >> You Get a Sense of Achievement Every time you check or cross out a task on your to-do list, you feel a sense of accomplishment. This is important because you become more motivated and engaged in whatever job you need to do. There’s nothing wrong with feeling proud. In fact, it has positive effects on your health too. So start working on your to-do lists. These can make your life a bit easier.    

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Improving Productivity will Help you reach your Full Potential

Most of us prepare a to-do list before turning in for the night. We believe that we could become more productive if we identify tasks that need to be done the next day. But, did you know that making a long list could be counter-productive? Experts recommend we should limit list items to three. We’ve always assumed being productive means accomplishing a lot of tasks each day. Maybe this is true at an assembly line. But, productivity isn’t measured in quantifiable terms alone. The quality of our accomplishments will matter even more. Shoddy work doesn’t count when we talk about productivity. How do we then achieve improved productivity? We have a few tried and tested ideas and invite you to consider them. We’re sure you’ve heard of them before, but it doesn’t hurt to remind you. Schedule Time for Chores If you’re among the many who are now working from home, you know that you can’t escape these. Some of us work better in the morning while others prefer afternoons or evenings. Attend to your chores and errands on your least-productive hours. Once these are done, you can focus better on work. Designate Time for Work Now that you have set time for unrelated tasks, you now have the rest of a day available for work. We are our greatest enemy when we postpone, delay or procrastinate. Stick to your schedule. This is easier said than done, especially with all the distractions around us. But, once we develop the necessary routine, we also improve our discipline to follow our schedule. “Time is a currency you can only spend once. So be careful how you spend it.” – Harmon Okinyo Keep Your Goals in Mind What are you doing most of the day and why are you doing it? We should ask this question often so we can remind ourselves what our goals are. When we do, we can better determine which tasks are related or contribute to the achievement of our goals. Focus on Tasks at Hand When working with your pc or laptop, there’s always the temptation to check on your social media, read the news and browse on unrelated subjects. There’s nothing wrong with indulging ourselves for a few minutes. But, we know five minutes could quickly turn into a half-hour or an hour. We may have several tasks to accomplish, but we can only attend to one at a time. Being focused requires willpower to shut out distractions, daydreams and even worries. The latter can cause anxiety, which hampers our productivity. How about rewarding ourselves after finishing a task? Experts believe that this helps and self-rewards improve our self-esteem. So, how about eating your favorite ice cream or five minutes on your FB or IG account once you’re done with a job? Have Enough Energy No matter how motivated we are, we won’t get far if we lack physical strength. This means at least 7 hours of sleep based on scientific research. Ignore those who say we can survive with less. Also, our body requires at least 20 minutes of exercise each day. Stand up and take a five-minute walk every hour if you sit down in front of your PC or laptop all day. It will do us good and new ideas can crop up during short breaks. Of the above, managing our time is the most challenging and yet most important step. It will take time, pardon the pun. But, with trial and discipline, we’ll discover the routine that works best for us.

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Dealing with Meeting Fatigue

“Not another meeting,” you say. You’ve just attended one and you’re off to another. Before you know it, half the workday is over and you still got a lot to do at your desk. It’s no surprise that almost 50% of the 3,200 individuals surveyed by believe that most meetings are a waste of time. If you counted the number of hours you’ve spent attending meetings in a year, you’d be astounded by the sum total. On average, employees spend anywhere between 20 to 50 days a year for meetings. Is the time spent justifiable? We’ll leave you to answer that, but what we can do is to suggest ways on how you can deal with meeting fatigue. Respectfully decline or excuse yourself You’re not totally powerless when someone in a higher position asks you to attend a meeting. If you have nothing to contribute or you’re being requested to join so you’ll be kept abreast of the latest, try to decline to attend. An e-mail will suffice if you need to be updated. In many organizations, executives believe that meetings should only be held as a last resort. If there is no need for one, then they don’t call for one. They also realize that people who don’t need to attend meetings should not be asked at all. Apple is known for excusing employees who aren’t required to attend. You’ve said your piece and have been told what to do next. If your presence is no longer necessary, then you can ask to be excused. In many organizations, it’s not considered impolite to leave while a meeting is ongoing. In fact, Elon Musk stated that asking people to stay for no reason is rude. Send a substitute Can a colleague attend in your place? If you can delegate or ask someone to represent you in a meeting, so much the better. Your representative can update you later. This is standard practice in many organizations. Executives don’t mind alternates during sessions. Though you’ll have to return the favor. Look on the bright side You can’t decline, excuse yourself or send a substitute. In short, you’re stuck. So, make the most out of that meeting you can’t avoid. Don’t let your mind wander off or silently fume because you prefer doing something more pressing instead. Topics for discussion unrelated to you, may bore you to death. But, you could learn something new which could come in handy in the future. It’s also your chance to get to know your coworkers more. You may not be aware of their opinions and their stand on many company-related issues. Decisions could be made that can also affect what you do. And, there’s always that unexpected announcement or revelation that may be important. To Wrap Up If you are a decision-maker, you can create a culture where meetings are only held if necessary. Also, you can make several changes to make these more efficient. On the other hand, if you’re like the rest of us, give one of our tips a try. You’ll find yourself less stressed and more productive.

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