Embracing FQ (Feminine Quotient): The Path to a More Inclusive World Part 1

In a world designed predominantly by men, women often find themselves at a disadvantage, from car safety to office temperatures and even smartphone design. However, a new concept called FQ (Feminine Quotient), developed by My Holland, CEO, and founder of EQuest Asia, offers a mindset shift that emphasizes embracing feminine traits such as authenticity, courage, compassion, and emotional intelligence. This blog explores the significance of FQ, how it can benefit both men and women, and steps to practice it for a more inclusive and empathetic future.
FQ, Feminine Quotient, My Holland, EQuest Asia, mindset shift, embracing feminine traits, authenticity, courage, compassion, emotional intelligence, awareness, workplaces, practicing FQ, cultivating awareness, purpose, fixed mindsets, compassion, empathy, kindness, sense of belonging, Emotional Intelligence (EQ), understanding emotions, connecting with others, leading with empathy, leading with compassion.
Time to read: 1-2 minutes.
Author: Mylan Holland

This blog on FQ (Feminine Quotient) will be divided into two parts. This blog part will delve into the concept behind the creation of FQ and explore the reasons why it is essential in today’s world. The second part will focus on exploring the key components and traits that comprise FQ, providing a comprehensive understanding of this important topic.

The Invisible Gender Disparities

Picture this: women have almost a 20% higher chance of dying in a car crash simply because they were forgotten in the safety equation. It’s a startling fact that highlights just one facet of a broader issue – we live in a world primarily designed for men. But this blog isn’t about the gender pay gap, women’s rights in less fortunate countries, or the many other pressing gender-related challenges we face.

No, we’re going to delve deeper into the often-overlooked aspects of gender inequality, particularly in our workplaces and daily lives. Have you ever stopped to consider that your office might be a chilly 50 degrees Celsius, which significantly impacts women’s productivity, as they struggle in an uncomfortable environment? Or that despite women being more likely to own an iPhone, these sleek devices are often designed for larger, male hands?

It’s not just about smartphones; safety gear for police, the military, and astronauts is typically tailored to fit men, leaving women at a disadvantage.

In a world populated by 50% women, it’s high time we shifted our perspective. When we think of trailblazers in the fight for gender equality, names like Malala, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Michelle Obama, and Melinda Gates come to mind. But what if we also celebrated men who stand up for these beliefs? The time has come for us to pause, reflect, and rethink our approach.

Carl Jung once wisely stated, “Thinking is difficult; that’s why most people judge.” It’s easy to judge, but understanding requires something more – compassion, courage, honesty, and emotional wisdom. So, why do we often choose the easier path, even when we claim to be open-minded and unbiased?

So, what is FQ?

The 2020s introduce a provocative concept – the Feminine Quotient, or FQ. Developed by My Holland, CEO, and founder of EQuest Asia. It represents a mindset shift from the traditional Masculine Quotient (MQ) that emphasizes competition, overconfidence, drive, ambition, power, aggressivity, and self-promotion. Research suggests that there are numerous leadership traits men can learn from women, such as self-awareness, motivation through transformation, prioritizing others, empathy over command, empowerment, and humility.

FQ offers an opportunity to tap into the unique traits that women excel such as authenticity, courage, compassion, and emotional intelligence. When men embrace these qualities, they create space for women to influence the agenda effectively, surpassing the limitations of quotas and positive discrimination.

Expanding our Understanding of Intelligence

Let’s be clear: this isn’t about condemning toxic masculinity. It’s about expanding our understanding of intelligence. FQ isn’t designed exclusively for women or men; it’s about embracing diverse perspectives and elevating the gender equality conversation beyond numbers and quotas.

Transitioning to the Feminine Quotient

Transitioning from the traditional Masculine Quotient to the Feminine Quotient is an opportunity for men to connect with women’s aspirations and struggles, learn from their strengths, and humbly embrace alternative ways of thinking. It’s not a debate about gender parity or bias; it’s a subtle mindset shift toward collaborative living and working, characterized by respect and empathy.

The Need for a Mindset Shift

We need a profound shift in mindset and a re-evaluation of our beliefs, even if we consider ourselves open-minded. The FQ framework will help us progress towards this vision.

Empowering the Next Generation

Today’s millennials and Gen Z women are the descendants of women who broke barriers in their workplaces. They witness women in positions of power that previous generations rarely saw. It’s less about women versus men and more about transforming our perceptions and mindsets. The harm caused to girls is evident. When they constantly encounter a world that suggests they should occupy less space, their voices matter less, and their expectations are limited, they learn to expect little from life.

The Strengths of Women in Leadership

Research highlights that women often excel in leadership skills, rating higher than their male counterparts in 17 out of 21 areas, including courage and drive. They also exhibit a greater sense of authenticity, driven by deeper self-awareness and purpose.

FQ for Everyone

But here’s the essential question: Is FQ solely for men? Absolutely not. There are also inspirational women reminding us of our potential to contribute to a better world. It all starts with a mindset, a belief that entrenched standards can be challenged and changed.

Measure and Train your FQ

FQ is both measurable and trainable. It offers a clear path to creating a world where authenticity, courage, compassion, and emotional intelligence are valued in all aspects of life. EQuest Asia provides expert training in FQ, in both training workshops and one on one coaching. Reach out to us to find out more!

Note: This content is extrapolated from a TEDx video by My Holland, CEO, and founder of EQuest Asia. To dive deeper into the concept of FQ, we encourage you to watch her TEDx talk.

To find out more about FQ check out the second part of this blog: “Breaking Down FQ: Understanding the Key Elements of the FQ (Feminine Quotient) for Greater Equality and Harmony” and check out My Holland’s Tedx Video

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