Embracing the Power of Female Leadership

Embracing the Power of Female Leadership

The world is changing, and it’s time for us to embrace female leadership traits. Empathy, compassion, authenticity, emotional intelligence, and listening are all qualities that women have naturally possessed for centuries. However, these traits have often been overlooked in the workplace, where masculine leadership traits have been seen as the only way to succeed.

Embracing the Power of Female Leadership

It’s time to challenge this way of thinking. Research has shown that companies with more women in leadership positions tend to perform better financially. In fact, according to a study by McKinsey & Company, gender-diverse companies are 15% more likely to outperform their non-gender diverse counterparts. Additionally, companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 21% more likely to have above-average profitability than companies in the bottom quartile. This is in part because female leaders tend to bring a unique set of leadership qualities to the table, including empathy, collaboration, and communication, which are highly valued in today’s workplace.

Women have often had to portray masculine leadership traits to be taken seriously in the workplace. But by doing so, they’ve missed out on the unique strengths that come with being a woman. It’s time for us to embrace these strengths and recognise them as valuable assets in the workplace.

The CEO of our company, My Holland, recently gave a TEDx talk on FQ (Female Intelligence), where she emphasised the importance of embracing female leadership traits. She has a book coming out soon on this topic, which I highly recommend.

But embracing female leadership traits isn’t just for women. Men can benefit from these traits as well. By embracing empathy, compassion, authenticity, emotional intelligence, and listening, men can become better leaders and create a more inclusive and productive workplace.

So, let’s make a commitment to embrace female leadership traits. Let’s recognise the value that women bring to the table and create a workplace that values collaboration, communication, and inclusivity. By doing so, we can create a brighter future for everyone.

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Source: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/gender-equality/women-in-the-workplace-2020

Written by Mylan Holland

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