AusCham will hold a 2-day event focusing on partnerships and opportunities between Australian & Vietnamese educational institutions.
Both events are free of charge and will be in both Vietnamese & English featuring live translations.
Additional to this information gathering and networking there will be a series of talks in breakout rooms discussing topics highlighting a variety of Australian destinations and workplace learning workshops – the importance of educational skills in the workplace.
Day 1: Education Symposium – Friday, 30 September 2022 (13:00 – 17:00)
Day 1 will be a technical discussion between government, institutions and those parties looking to invest in the burgeoning education markets of Australia and Vietnam.
Day 2: Education Showcase – Saturday, 1 October 2022 (09:00 – 12:00)
Day 2 will be open to the public where K – 12, VET and Higher Education can have meaningful discussions and demonstrate open Partnerships between institutions and Opportunities with prospective students.
Our CEO Ms My Holland will run a short EQ workshop for the education forum.