An International


For more than a decade, our CEO My Holland has delivered keynote addresses at international conferences, appeared on live television and participated in panel discussions on subjects relevant to leadership development.

My takes speaking assignments from corporates but also from official institution. She has been the keynote speaker for the New Zealand Mannuki program organised by the New Zealand Embassy in Vietnam. She speaks regularly at Confernce on Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in a High Tech world.

— Vietnam Project Management Conference 2023

Previous discussions have focused on belonging with our cultural identities, the neuroscience of communication techniques, overcoming burnout, executive presence, resilience, emotional intelligence, women in leadership, and leadership growth.
My Holland is a skilled facilitator for in-person and virtual settings.

  • The coaching approach to leadership
  • Mindful leadership
  • Leadership presence
  • Women in leadership
  • Neuroscience in Leadership
  • Effective communication skills
  • Developing a culture of feedback
  • Communication for collaboration and accountability
  • Strengths-based team building
Mental Fitness
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Psychological safety
  • Mindset transformation
  • Addressing and preventing burnout
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome
  • Resilience through change
  • Organisational change
  • Cultural intelligence
  • Cultural identity
  • Cultural belonging
Tedx Speaker | CEO Conference | HR Academy Seminar


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Phụ nữ thông minh chọn đầu tư cho tương lai | Talk show

Books by My Holland

Leadership Growthbook & Tips

Leadhership in Heels

Happiness is the Way

As Featured In

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