Want what you have, not what you don’t have.
Focus on what matters.
How to leverage your happiness potential to succeed sustainably.
Book Summary
Are you happy? It’s not a frivolous question. Most people go about their lives having all the reasons to be happy but are not. They’re too busy searching for happiness, they wouldn’t recognize it if it stared them right in the face. Why?
This book digs deeply into the whys and wherefores of happiness allowing us to discover remarkable insights we’ve taken for granted or simply ignored. The author for instance, would have us see, perhaps for the first time, that true happiness isn’t about having the best of everything. It’s about feeling the best of what you’ve got. She makes us understand (not without envy) why an average, middle-income family can wake up each morning feeling like they’re on top of the world, while others with fame and fortune wake up with nothing more than a lousy hangover.
Be happy. You can. This book will show you the way.
Customers from Vietnam are advised to order the HAPPINESS IS THE WAY – a paperback version of My Holland via selected bookstore outlets in Vietnam.
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