The Other Stuff That Makes Us More Successful At Work

If you want to be successful at work, you’re often told to go the extra mile, solve problems, achieve goals, always listen and don’t procrastinate among others. But, did you know that there are more straightforward ways that can lead to more success?

Studies show that a strong sense of well-being and productivity go hand in hand. In fact, if you ask experts what does it have to do with performance, they’ll say “everything.” So, if you want to be more successful, maybe you need to first boost your state of happiness. Here are three ways that can help you.

Be yourself at work

The last thing you want to do is slip into a persona at your workplace. Keeping your guard up is self-defeating. Doing so takes a lot of effort and energy. Also, you may be selling yourself short and miss out on opportunities. Of course, if you aren’t who you really are at work, you’re not going to be happy.

To be yourself at work means being real or authentic. Be honest with your opinions, feelings, likes and dislikes. Though remember to be tactful when expressing these. You might offend others. Being authentic also means asking questions when you don’t know something, taking responsibility when making mistakes and admitting shortcomings. You’re not expected to be perfect anyway.

You can keep a lot of things about yourself private. Make sure though you are who you are at work, warts and all and not someone else.

Build relationships with your colleagues

People with strong links with their co-workers are more productive and satisfied. A 2003 study by the Johns Hopkins University Press revealed that individuals who have close ties handle stress better than those who seclude themselves. Also, having close relationships improves trust and teamwork. It encourages camaraderie and creates a sense of belonging which results in better engagement and performance.

We’re not suggesting you go out of your way to make friends at work. We’re not implying either that you close your door to possible friendships. You can be friendly and remain professional with your co-workers and even subordinates. It wouldn’t hurt if you went out with them for drinks. Wherever you work, there’s no doubt, you’ll be better off if you have strong ties with your colleagues.

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