The Power of Perception: Why People with High EQ Excel at Reading Nonverbal Communication

The Power of Perception: Why People with High EQ Excel at Reading Nonverbal Communication

Time to read: 1-2 minutes.

Keywords: Mindfulness, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence

Summary: Discover how emotional intelligence unlocks the power of perception, enabling people to read and decode nonverbal cues with ease.

Author: Mylan Holland

In today’s world, communication is more than just words. Nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions, gestures, and eye movements, make up 65% of our communication. Emotional intelligence (EQ) plays a vital role in reading and understanding these cues. Emotionally intelligent people are self-aware and practice empathy, allowing them to quickly perceive nonverbal cues. Paulo Coelho wrote, “The eyes are the mirror of the soul.” The eyes are a powerful indicator of emotions. For instance, genuine smiles cause crow’s feet and result in eye contact. Conversely, shifty eyes may indicate deceit.

A blank stare could mean the person doesn’t understand or has lost interest in what you’re saying. Eye-rolling is a reaction to a disagreeable word or action. Glare or pain can cause a squint or narrowing of the eyes. So, don’t immediately assume a person you’re conversing with is expressing anger or contempt.

Proximity is another nonverbal cue that emotionally intelligent people pick up on. Personal space varies from person to person, and it’s essential to be sensitive to your audience’s space. According to this article, it’s between 1.5 to 4 feet. It would be wise if you are always sensitive to your audiences’ space. Your message is lost if they’re uncomfortable when you’re too near them. On the other hand, it’s apparent that people are comfortable when they sit or stand close to you. They become more engaged and receptive to your message.

Folding arms across the body or turning away can indicate defensiveness, whereas open arms and legs are welcoming.

A high EQ is necessary to understand nonverbal cues and the emotions behind them. Its why emotionally intelligent people communicate well and build strong relationships. By practicing mindfulness, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and cultural intelligence, you can improve your ability to read nonverbal cues and connect with others.

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