Trust Means Having More Faith in People

Trust Means Having More Faith in People

The word faith is often associated with religion. This article focuses on believing in others.

Trust Means Having More Faith in People
Trust Means Having More Faith in People

Many employees complain when they’re assigned challenging tasks. They assume it’s some form of punishment. They’re mistaken because they aren’t aware that they’re trusted with more complex work. In short, their bosses believe in them.   
Conversely, some leaders prefer to do the hard stuff on their own. They strictly abide by the phrase, “if you want something done right, do it yourself.” They rarely delegate tasks to others because they don’t believe in their colleagues. These leaders claim there’s trust in their organizations. But they barely show confidence in the people they work with.

The question is which side of the fence you belong to. Before moving on…

The word faith is often associated with religion. This article focuses on believing in others.

Faith in people doesn’t mean being Blind

Faith in people doesn’t mean being Blind
Faith in people doesn’t mean being Blind

As a leader, you wouldn’t assign tasks to colleagues when unsure of their abilities. You would first ask yourself, what are your employees capable of? You can determine this from past performances and experience.

What about the new employees who haven’t been tested? You can find out by assigning them simple tasks and soon increasing the difficulty. Believing in people also means accepting their weaknesses and shortcomings. Ignoring these can lead to blind faith. Keep in mind that perfect employees do not exist.

There’s more than one way to cook an egg

This is a good reminder for the perfectionists out there. They believe that their method of doing things is the only right way. Faith in others’ skills or abilities can increase efficiency and innovation. Also, expressing confidence is a motivator as employees strive harder to prove themselves worthy of such.

If you want to build trust in your organization, let others flourish. Actively look out for people who are capable of taking on challenges. They may discover new ways or even develop better ideas that will benefit your organization.

Don’t lose faith because of failures

People you believe in will sometimes fail you. If you’re a sports fan, you’ve witnessed times when star players failed to score at a crucial time. The best sports teams, though, will continue to believe and remain confident in them.

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