Emotional Intelligence

"Do Women Make Good Leaders?"

“Do Women Make Good Leaders?”

Women are often underestimated in the world of business. Some countries mark the month of March as National Women’s History Month. The UN celebrates the International Women’s Day every 8th of March where the said day recognises and celebrates the achievement of women. So what better way to mark this day than by discussing a popular debate topic – do women make good leaders? At the lowest levels of workplaces across the globe, over half of employees are women, but as you move up the organisational ladder, the number of women drop off dramatically. In fact, at the very top of the tree, as few as 4% of organisation leaders are female. There are lots of discussions and claims out there about the way in which leadership between men and women differs. Traditionally, women are nurturing, empathetic and emotional. How do these traits and qualities translate into the world of business and leadership? Do they set us back or do they drive us forward? One Harvard Business Review (HBR) survey looked at 16 key competencies that make a good leader (including taking initiative, developing others and inspiring/motivating colleagues). The 7,280 results from the public and private sector companies proved the usual stereotypes – women rank higher than men in the so-called ‘nurturing’ competencies, such as building relationships. No surprises there. But what was also interesting, was that women also excelled outside of the traditional ‘female’ strengths. Women were rated higher than men in 12 of the 16 competencies, and were rated overall better leaders by their peers. When it comes to two of the traits – taking initiative and driving for results – men are often assumed to be better at these, but it was women who topped the poll. With the exception of the ‘ability to develop a strategic perspective, ’ in which men trumped women, women are highly regarded in leadership roles, because – not in spite – of their emotional and empathetic tendencies. Women are often underestimated in the world of business. They can face sexism in the workplace, but also a lack of self-belief. Tradition places men at the top of organisational structures, but the tide is changing … slowly but surely. Studies like this, and many more, prove that people within business rate women as strong leaders. Having the respect of those you work with is half the battle. Qualities such as being emotional are not viewed as negative traits by them, but as a positive in forging relationships with colleagues and more importantly, driving and achieving results. Let’s hope that not only the businesses out there take note of this, but women themselves. We need to have self-confidence to be able to go for the big jobs without fear of rejection or inferiority. Our traditionally ‘female’ traits do not have to be a barrier to success – they can be our reasons for success.

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"Why You, As A Manager Need To Develop Emotional Intelligence?"

“Why you, as a manager, need to develop Emotional Intelligence?”

One of the most essential traits of effective managers is having emotional intelligence. It is what gives them the ability to motivate people and have a good understanding of the value of connecting with others. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you, yourself might be involved in, but as a company manager, you need to get to know your people. It’s a tough job. It’s tough because there are so many complexities, even idiosyncrasies and personal traits for every individual. In the final analysis, no two persons are really exactly alike. Everyday Triggers.   Simple everyday triggers can prompt you to be mad, glad, sad or happy. This is because, over time, we cognitively develop prompters that allow us to feel a certain way about things and events. 6 pm on a Friday can make you feel excited and anticipating. It’s your poker night with the boys! You cry watching some silly late, late soap opera about a forlorn love affair. These emotions and triggers are examples of what make us rare and unique personalities, but it’s also what makes your job as a top honcho pretty darn hard. You must possess enough emotional intelligence to acquire an understanding of the guys who must follow your lead. When you don’t have this, your people would tend to feel disengaged at work. In essence what this says is that if company leaders are not doing a good job at leading, it’s almost a sure thing, they lack the emotional intelligence to motivate their teams and push them to achieving top performance. Here’s What Can Happen When Managers Lack Empathy Or Emotional Intelligence.   The worst thing about these managers without empathy is that they’re mostly unaware of it. It’s a sort of a behavioral pattern where they can’t see beyond their own biases and beliefs. As such, people who work with them become not only discouraged, they also get to feel like they’re living in hell! Pretty soon, they’d be dragging their feet going to work. Sure, there are many ways and styles of leadership, but one that doesn’t appreciate the values of working as a team will always bring down a company’s productivity. There is today a continuing low level of job satisfaction among companies This is true surprisingly even among those employees who receive fat paychecks. Reason? Their leaders lack emotional intelligence and are therefore unable to empathize with their people. So, How Do You Develop Your Emotional Intelligence?   There is no magic pill for this. Slowly but surely, get to know the guys in your team. Try to get insights and understanding of what’s going on and why these guys respond to orders and decisions in a certain way. The more you get to know about them, the clearer you’ll see their true motivations and how you can help make them better. Naturally, it will depend finally whether or not a person would want to change their bad habits and become a good potential leader, so really, you’ll need to get a feel for your people and hear them out. It can only be good for your organization. Don’t dilly-dally. Start developing your emotional intelligence now!

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Does Your Company Have A High Level Of Emotional Intelligence

Does Your Company Have A High Level Of Emotional Intelligence?

It’s a fact. A good organization displaying a high degree of emotional intelligence will tend to develop your skills and talent and help you to become a better and more productive individual. In pursuit of your professional career, you may be looking for the right job, or you may in fact already be employed in a company but may not be too sure whether it’s worth your while to stay in it. Here are three important questions experts say you need to ask yourself to rate a company’s emotional health: Would you want to be friends with your company? Friends, in general, make us happy. So if your organization were a person, would you be glad to see it and feel happy when you come to work. There’s usually some sort of a spark of energy and enthusiasm when we spend time with friends. Do you get this same “oomph” when you step into your office and begin to face that desktop computer? Like a friend, a great company will listen to what you have to say and value your opinions. Sure companies have their own way of listening to its people – face to face meetings, in-house surveys, and interviews – but top management’s doors should always be open to listening to your concerns like a friend does.Is your company open, frank and honest? Does it share with you its dreams and visions, its goals and challenges, and how it plans to face these? Of course, you shouldn’t expect your company to tell you everything, but it should have a level of openness that won’t alienate you and your peers. Friends don’t do that. Does your company see you the way you see yourself? There has got to be the right fit in there – between the company and you. In the context of race or sexual orientation, for instance, the environment should be completely open-minded and welcoming. If you’re gay, you should be encouraged to be as open as you’d want to be. If you value career and personal life balance, the company should have supportive policies towards achieving this. In other words, its value systems should run parallel to yours. Is the company set up to help you (and other employees) become a better person? Good companies have mentoring, coaching and various training programs to help develop your skills. They’ve got a set-up where new employees learn from the more senior ones. Too, there’s generally a feedback scheme from your immediate supervisor and other leaders from whom you’ll learn how to do things better. You’ll improve a lot more and faster if your managers constructively share their observations with you. It’s a good organization if they have a set of ideals including courtesy and respect for one another, the importance of teamwork, the need to listen and respond to others and the value of caring.   Should your answers to these questions be positive, rest easy, you’re in good company.  

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