Emotional Intelligence

People with High EQ Read Nonverbal Cues Better

Emotionally intelligent people are aware of the feelings of others because they practice empathy. They are also experts in picking up nonverbal cues. These include gestures, facial expressions and eye movements. Many assert that 65% of our communication is nonverbal. It’s not a hard and fast rule. There’s no denying we still need words to communicate. Body language support or contradict what we say or feel. People with high EQ quickly read but don’t rely on these alone to understand others. So what are these nonverbal cues emotionally intelligent persons perceive? Here are some common ones we see every day. The Eyes Say a Lot Paulo Coelho wrote, “The eyes are the mirror of the soul.” A real smile usually causes crow’s feet around the eyes. Also, eyes tend to close with genuine smiles. If someone is honest and sincere, they look you in the eyes. It’s also a sign of confidence. Conversely, shifty eyes tell a different story. But, expert liars intentionally hold eye contact to cover up their deceit. You’ve seen or heard of a cold stare. It often means a person is disinterested or maybe contemptuous. A blank stare could mean the person doesn’t understand or has lost interest in what you’re saying. Eye-rolling is a reaction to a disagreeable word or action. Glare or pain can cause a squint or narrowing of the eyes. So, don’t immediately assume a person you’re conversing with is expressing anger or contempt. There’s more but let me just caution you not to judge others solely based on their facial expressions. Listen to what they say and observe their overall body language. Proximity Let’s look back at our pre-pandemic times. A person who remains distant while you’re talking can be guarded or wary. Or, it might just be a personal space issue. Unless the person speaks, it’s hard to tell. But, it’s wise if you take note. An individual’s personal space varies from person to person. According to this, it’s between 1.5 to 4 feet. It would be wise if you always were sensitive to your audiences’ space. Your message is lost if they’re uncomfortable when you’re too near them. On the other hand, it’s apparent people are comfortable when they sit or stand close to you. They become more engaged and receptive to your message. However, with the pandemic, we are obligated to observe social distancing. Virtual meetings are now the norm. But still, we can’t avoid in-person interactions. The Arms, Legs, and Body People fold their arms across their bodies when they’re cautious or defensive. The same is true when legs are crossed. When they turn their body away from you, it’s often a negative sign. However, when people exhibit these, it may have nothing to do with you at all. Conversely, receptive people lean towards you. Arms and legs are relaxed. Sometimes, they mimic your body language. Their handshakes are firm, enhanced with genuine smiles. A high EQ is necessary to understand the emotions behind words and nonverbal cues. Most of the time, both complement each other. Having said this, it’s always wise to listen with your ears and eyes. It’s a holistic approach. Also, it’s why emotionally intelligent people communicate well.

People with High EQ Read Nonverbal Cues Better Đọc thêm »

Happiness and Engagement at the Workplace

There’s a healthy discussion between proponents of employee engagement and advocates of employee happiness. Companies are looking inward while trying to determine which of these should be prioritized. You might find the answer below. We agree with most that both employee happiness and engagement are different. It’s a mistake to believe that they are one and the same. Do they affect productivity? Can one exist without the other? These are just a couple of the many questions organizations are taking seriously. When we searched for the definition of employee engagement, the top result is this – the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organization and put discretionary effort into their work. We searched for employee happiness but didn’t find one definition we were comfortable with. So, we had to ask ourselves how we would define a happy employee. We settled on one meaning with help from Oxford’s English Dictionary’s definition of “happy.” For us, employee happiness is the state of pleasure or contentment felt by individuals at the workplace. In other words, we feel happy at work if we feel good about our jobs. The question is whether we are satisfied, happy or elated? Productivity and Employee Engagement According to a Gallup Organization study, companies that promote engagement experience a 22% increase in productivity. These organizations suffer less absenteeism and turnover. Highly engaged employees have a better understanding of their role and how their work affects the overall picture. Also, they care more for their organization and colleagues. Communication is the key to improving employee engagement which, by the way, isn’t achieved with memos, e-mails, and newsletters alone. Although these can help, leaders and supervisors need to talk to their subordinates more often. Verbal communication is more effective in sharing goals, concerns, and decisions. Feedback is instant and employees are more inclined to participate in a discussion. It doesn’t have to be in a formal setting. Leaders have been known to discuss ideas with employees at more relaxed venues like bars and restaurants. Happiness at Work Winning the lottery will make you exultant despite having to report to a boss you can’t stand. This doesn’t exactly make you happy at work. It’s the workplace conditions, including benefits and compensation, which will determine the degree of employee happiness. Our personal lives have no real bearing on our satisfaction at work. On the other hand, unhappiness at the workplace can drive us to look for jobs elsewhere.

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Signs That Say You Lack Self-Awareness

It’s a fact. The one competency you will find in most great leaders and achievers is a strong self awareness. It’s a quality that enables them to know their strength and weaknesses which then allows them to change their behavior in a truly positive way. It helps a person to enhance his/her thinking and reasoning, and generally leads to a significant improvement of one’s interpersonal skills. Self awareness helps to bring out the best in people. It’s no small wonder that companies’ recruitment teams during job interviews try to draw this out from applicants. So, how do you get to know if you’ve got a great level of self awareness? Here are four warning signs that say you might need some help: You’re always on the defensive. You may have gotten some good, constructive and objective feedback that didn’t support your decision or action, but instead of calmly listening, you jump into a defensive stance. You find fault in every minor thing. In other words, you tend to see people doing things differently from the way you do things as being at fault and immediately take over whatever it is that’s supposed to be done. Behind the scenes though, you just might be failing with the bigger things. Not paying attention to these larger issues could spin off to even bigger, more critical problems. You tend to make excuses. When all you’ve got for a failed project or missed deadline are excuses and alibis, you would, in your mind be convinced that you’re right and that you’ve got a good reason for it. You’d tend to be amazed at why everybody else doesn’t agree with you. When you’re caught in this trap, you miss out on opportunities to look at other options that may have a greater and better impact on all people concerned. You don’t know why people think you bully your way around. You’ve just recently realized that behind your back, people around the office have been calling you a bully for some time. And the thing is … you’re clueless as to what makes them think of you as this “Mafia henchman.” Anyway, get it through your head, accept it … that you’re not perfect and that you’ve got some character flaws. Once you accept this and get off that ivory horse, you just might behave with a little bit more empathy, respect and humility. If you see yourself in two or more of these situations, you will need to over-haul your level of self awareness. You’ll need to work on this starting today. Once it goes up, it’ll help you to make better judgment and enable you to react to events with more control and flexibility.

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