Emotional Intelligence

Your Company May Have Its Vision, Mission Or Core Values, But Its Purpose Is Something Else

A Company’s vision, generally defined and drawn up by senior management of an organization is exactly what it is – a vision – a clear picture of how a company would want itself to be seen by its customers, suppliers, bankers, other companies and the public in general. It is stated in such a brief, concise and memorable way as to inspire and take the thinking of its management and staff beyond its day to day operations. Ericsson, an international corporation engaged in providing communications tools and equipment, software and services, states its vision as “The prime driver in an all-communicating world.” Then, there’s what is known as a Company Mission. It is what describes what the company is all about, what it is now and what it isn’t and projecting this into the years to come. Its aim is to have a key focus for its people .It defines its mission by the nature of its work or business, the clients it caters to and the level of service it provides. If it were an advertising agency, its mission would be something like “We’re in the business of providing strong communications plans and strategies to consumer goods manufacturers (or service providers) for their brand or company to become dominant players in the retail market.” Core Values of a company describes its desired corporate culture. It serves as a set of principles or a code of ethics within which a company’s management and over-all workforce conduct themselves in and outside of their workplaces. This would generally touch on morality, high standards of professionalism on the job, respect for others and self discipline, control and over-all right behavior. So, what is Purpose all about? How does it differ from a company’s vision, mission or core values? A company purpose is something that states what an organization does for its customers and clients. But this goes beyond simply satisfying customers and understanding their needs. REA Group, a real estate consultancy firm defines its purpose as … “To make the property process simple, efficient and stress free for people buying and selling a property.” IAG, the internationally known insurance company words its purpose as … “To help people manage risk and recover from the hardship of unexpected loss.” When you start working out your Statement of Purpose, remember to put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Think of something that is motivational and will connect with the heart and mind. It is not about you or your company, It is something you do for someone or some group. A company vision, mission or core values … you’ll see them in most establishments. In many ways they help to project a company in a more positive light as their management and staff live out the words. A company purpose is a more enduring statement because it doesn’t just state what’s good for the company, it is something that professes something it does for someone outside of the company.

Your Company May Have Its Vision, Mission Or Core Values, But Its Purpose Is Something Else Đọc thêm »

Adapting to a Changed World

Organizations that are on a holding pattern until a COVID-19 vaccine is developed are making a big mistake. Even if a cure was discovered today, it would take between six months to a year before it becomes available worldwide. Unforeseen closures of manufacturers, travel agencies, cinemas, restaurants, retailers and other businesses have taken their toll on our global economy. The sudden loss of jobs has left families facing a bleak future. The impact of something microscopic is already colossal. We’re still unsure if we have reached rock bottom. According to the World Bank, the global GDP is expected to contract by 5.2%. It’s the deepest recession in decades. Uncertainty has frozen many in their tracks. If you’re a leader, forget that we will return to “business as usual” someday. We have to act now if we desire not only to survive but also to move forward once the pandemic is over. It’s not too late for decisive action. Adversity is part of the process Successful leaders are no strangers to hardships. This pandemic is devastating to many. Now is the time to show our mettle and inspire employees to be mentally and emotionally strong. We should show empathy instead of indifference, as our subordinates will look up to us for guidance and understanding. Individuals are now facing many kinds of challenges during these difficult times. They can be personal and yet similar to what others are experiencing today. We shouldn’t hesitate to let employees know we “feel their pain.” Remind them that this pandemic is just another “bump in the road.” Like those before, it will not stop us achieve our goals. Get Employees on Board Communication is vital during these difficult times. It would be wise to include subordinates in planning our next steps. We also need to explain to them why we need to make sacrifices. It will not make them happy, but they will appreciate our transparency. Make the Necessary Changes We feel sadness for those laid-off, temporarily or otherwise. But, hard decisions will have to be made. Many organizations are in a panic mode and try to minimize short-term losses without thoroughly evaluating the future effects of their actions. They may be losing their top performers to their competitors. Survival shouldn’t be our only goal. As adaptive leaders, we should set our sights on what the post-pandemic world would likely be. But, we should make decisions on the belief that the future will be different but better. So, instead of layoffs, we could first recommend pay cuts and shortened work hours. To promote physical distancing, we will encourage more people to work from home. This has the added benefit of leasing less office space. We will delay the purchase of equipment only because of telecommuting. Our options are endless. There is no need to be hasty and short-sighted. We might have to make adjustments, but we should remain focused on what our goals are. We can make projections on the pandemic’s effect on our bottom line. If we can remain afloat despite adversity, we must steer our organizations towards a changing world. Again, this difficulty will pass as to when we don’t know for sure. When it does, we will be in a better position if we are ready.

Adapting to a Changed World Đọc thêm »

Money Isn’t The Real Reason Why People Switch Jobs, Neither Is It The Boss

As sure as the sun rises every day, young men and women in serious pursuit of their professional careers will switch jobs at one point in time. We’ve always assumed that the reason for this is that they’re either angling for a bigger pay or that they can’t work with a boss who’s got the working ethics of a torture chamber headman. We’re wrong on both assumptions. What The Latest Research Says In a survey of more than ten thousand (10,000) people who just switched jobs, the number one reason they cited is for career advancement. They felt that their careers were at a dead end and resigned for one that had opportunities for growth. In a nutshell, here’s how the true picture looks like in relation to the reasons why people switched jobs; Lack of opportunities for advancement: 45% Not happy with the leadership of senior management: 41% Unsatisfied with work environment/culture: 36% Work not too challenging: 36% Not happy with the compensation scheme: 34% Unsatisfied with rewards/recognition (for contribution): 32% Benefits Of These Findings If you’re one of the managers involved in recruiting and hiring of people looking for jobs, the foregoing data is important. It sort of gives you an idea of what you can do to entice a candidate to leave his/her company without point a gun to his head. In short, you have got to sell him the future, not just the job and the perks that go along with it but where the job can take him. On the other hand, if you’re head of HR, you can use a lesson or two from this information and that’s … to keep top-performing employees, know that those fat paychecks aren’t enough. You’ve got to ensure they’re being challenged and provided with real opportunities to advance their professional careers.

Money Isn’t The Real Reason Why People Switch Jobs, Neither Is It The Boss Đọc thêm »

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