
Pause before giving up…The “why”?

When You’re Down and Feeling Like You Want to Give Up, Do Something About It! Nobody ever said life is a picnic. Sure, there are great times. Sure, there are fun times. But just as surely, there are also bad times. These are the days when you can’t help but ask .. why can’t I get this project running? When you’ve put in a lot of time and personal resources, almost literally blood, sweat and tears into an important venture and can’t seem to make it move, it’s easy to feel crushed and frustrated. This feeling can hit you so hard, you’d want to raise your hands in surrender, shouting I GIVE UP! Sometimes, this urge to throw in the towel can crop up with the most common activity of our everyday life …in your plan to eating healthier fruits and vegetables and getting rid of the junk food in the kitchen pantry … your entertaining thoughts of stopping going to the gym for your workouts, because you’re still as big as a house.  In fact, some people even opt to live like a recluse because dating and socializing don’t seem to be working for them, not being able to meet the right person. If you find yourself in such situations while trying to make positive changes in your life, DON’T GIVE UP! What can you do? Two things …. One, pause a while. Take a few minutes to remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing.  Perhaps, this project you’re deeply involved in holds a promise of supporting your family and allowing them to live a comfortable life. Your workouts and recently adopted healthy eating? Hey, you’d want to live long enough to see your kids grow up, playing the cello masterfully in their high school music class or be extremely proud to see your teen-age boy dunking that ball beautifully in an inter-school basketball competition. Or …maybe, you’d like to simply travel and experience the beauty of Tuscany in Italy and discover the excitement of game cock-fighting in Guadalajara, Mexico. Whatever it is, reminding yourself of these great reasons, when you’re getting that I-want-to-give-up feeling will help you to hang on and keep right on going. Two, think positively. Remember, tomorrow’s another day. When things seem to be heavy and difficult and you’re on the verge of giving up, think that tomorrow could be different from today. It could bring a big change, a new insight, a happening that could make what you’re doing a lot easier, a lot lighter. This happens all the time. You recall what the old folks say when you’ve got a problem? “Sleep over it. It’ll be better in the morning.” And it usually does! Michael Jordan anecdote Michael Jordan is one of the best, if not the best basketball player that ever lived. In his teen years, trying out for his school’s basketball team, the coach turned him down. The coach said Michael wasn’t good   Sources: My’s reference https://hbr.org/2015/03/positive-teams-are-more-productive  

Pause before giving up…The “why”? Đọc thêm »

Empathy at Work Drive Your Business Forward

What Is Empathy? Empathy is the capacity to recognise and understand the emotions of other people. It’s about putting yourself in another person’s shoes, understanding his/her perspective and reality. You’ve heard about this often enough during call center and customer service trainings where the trainers tell you to “put yourself in the customer’s shoes to better understand what’s going on in the customer’s heart and mind.” You might think that empathy is spontaneous. It’s not. There’s a little science to it. What happens is …when you hear a compelling story or see a scene or a situation that hits your soft spot, our body releases Cortisol which helps us to concentrate on the subject matter. Simultaneously, the body also releases Oxytoxin. This is sometimes called the “Trust Hormone” or the “Bonding Hormone.”. It’s what makes us care about the subject matter and increases our empathy. Recent research which had men undergo an aerosol shot of Oxytoxin found that this group had exhibited emotional empathy in higher levels. All of us have these, but depending on genetics, our mood at the moment and how we relate to the other person, levels of our individual empathy varies. Why Empathy Is Important In Businesses  The ability to connect with and relate to people, (in particular, prospects and regular customers of a business) is true empathy. It’s a force that can move the business forward because empathy makes you think beyond yourself and your own concerns. The minute you begin seeing and understanding that side of the business, you’ll realise there’s a lot to discover and appreciate. This inevitably leads tocreativity and innovation and happy customers. To start applying empathy at the workplace more effectively, especially among employees who interact with customers, you as a manager might want to have them consider the following guides: Get rid of your own perspective. Instead look at things from the other person’s viewpoint. As soon as you do this, you’ll get to realize these guys aren’t being wicked or unkind or difficult and unreasonable. They’re just responding to the situation with the information they’ve got. This happens all the time with customer complaints. Listen and listen well. Listen with your ears (what is the other person saying? what kind of tone is he using?) Listen with your instincts (Is he communicating all the important issues? Is there something he’s not telling you?). Listen with your heart (how do you think he/she feels?). Acknowledge the other person’s perspective. Once you recognize why the other person believes what she believes, then acknowledge it. This doesn’t equate to you agreeing but it’s an acceptance of other peoples opinions and they may have solid reasons to have those opinions. Be flexible. When interacting with your company’s customers, be prepared to change directions as the other person’s thoughts and feelings might also change. Getting yourself and your team to develop an empathy approach at the workplace may just be the most relevant decision you can make to improving your business. When you start understanding others, they’d want to understand you too and that’s how effective collaborative work goes.

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Loving what you do… small steps

Can you picture Tiger Woods driving a heavy truck hauling cargo from the piers to their destination in the city’s warehouses? How about Meryl Streep? Do you see her counting dollar bills as a bank teller? Neither, I’ll bet, can you visualise Steven Spielberg as a used-car salesman convincing a prospect to buy that Toyota Camry. Along with a lot of other people, these three personalities : an excellent young , meticulous golfer, an accomplished, multi-awarded actress and a highly successful film director with the wild imagination of a 12 year old, all love what they do. They enjoy every aspect of the careers they’ve chosen to pursue and excel in, and presumably wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Fate has been good and generous to them – loving what they do and getting paid handsomely for it. The celebrity status, the fame and glamour that come with it are gravy for a remarkably delicious steak! Wouldn’t it be grand if we can all just do what we enjoy doing and get a hefty paycheck at the end of each month? Is there actual truth to what most commencement speakers tell a graduating class, “Do what you love. The money will follow,” ? Surely, it’s inspirational, but there aren’t any guarantees. You could pretty well go broke doing what you truly care about. The experts say desire is all important when you’re treading into the unknown. When you simply want to follow your passion and do what you enjoy doing, or at least pursue something that’ll lead you to what you love in order to do your best work, a certain degree of uncertainty revolves around it. Success isn’t a sure thing. It’s a make or break thing. Your strong desire though will push you to be more creative, more resourceful and help you go for the whole nine yards. So, what if I have the desire but am sure it won’t lead to anywhere that’ll bring in the money, should I still go for it? In a research study, “The Power of Small Wins” which ran in Harvard Business Review a few years back, it showed that people who progress everyday toward something they love, feel tremendously satisfied and fulfilled. And so to answer the question … Yes, go for it! But let’s qualify that. If chasing this thing you’re crazy about won’t enable you to bring food on the table or, it would keep you away from a college degree, then hold back. Don’t make any big bets on your desire. This does not mean though that you cannot work on your passion a little at a time, or start building blocks. Spending 15 minutes or half an hour a day on it will keep the embers burning. And you really should. Why? Because you could be wrong! Assuming doing what you love won’t bring in the greenbacks could ruin your whole life. So, take those small steps towards what you love doing. Who knows? You just might discover that this passion of yours is a treasure chest waiting to be opened.

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