Curing Procrastination
You can easily find on the internet a list of seven deadly habits. Whoever made it should have included procrastination. Yes, this habit is deadly because many people treat it as a friend. Procrastination doesn’t strike anyone like lightning. Instead, it’s like the Venus Flytrap that exudes its sweet nectar to attract its victims. But unlike the prey caught in the Venus Flytrap, we can escape the clutches of procrastination. There are many ways to combat this habit but be forewarned – there isn’t one remedy that can cure everyone. What will work for you may not do so for others. Also, you might need to employ a combination of methods to conquer procrastination. Here are some ways which you may find useful. Get Rid of Distractions We are living in an era where there are many distractions. Probably top on the list are gadgets like smartphones and tablets. Even though you store your phone inside your drawer, it takes a lot of willpower to resist the urge to check on your social media or visit your favorite website. You tell yourself that you’re going to browse for only a minute, but before you know it, ten minutes or more has elapsed. The good news is that there are apps and software available to block social media and other similar sites for a length of time of your choosing. Search the internet for these and select the right one for you. If you’re working in an open environment where you can hear people talking at the end of the hall, wearing noise-canceling headphones or earphones is a good idea. If your organization allows you to do so, you can even listen to music while at work. But, choose the right music. Certain types can be distracting too. Set Your Own Deadlines You’re given a task which is due in a week’s time. Seven days is a lot of time so you’re tempted to procrastinate. But, often, when you put off doing something until the last moment, your finished job will be obviously rushed and unsatisfactory. Maybe at school you can get away with it but not with organizations. They might not fire you but they can withhold a pay raise or promotion. Set a self-imposed deadline on everything you do. If it helps, ask a friend or colleague to keep track of your progress. Also, you can reward yourself every time you finish a job before a deadline
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