
Keeping Employees Engaged and Happy Leads to Business Success

If you pull back a bit, take a minute to think of the critical elements that are common among successful companies, you will, of course discover many. But one you’ll most likely recognize as being of utmost importance is employee engagement. An engaged workforce who has quality relationship with its superiors and co employees tend to perform with better productivity. What Research Shows In Australia, while boasting to have one of the highest employee engagement figures of 24% as per World Gallup’s State of the workplace Report, 2013, there is still a huge 60% who are not engaged and 16 % who are actively disengaged. For reference, these types of workers may be described as ; Engaged –  those displaying a passion for their work, a closely, dearly-held connection to their company and a tendency to drive innovations. Not engaged – are seen as “the walking dead” just going through the motions of their work, putting in the hours but with neither energy nor enthusiasm. Actively disengaged – they’re not just unhappy at work, they make their unhappiness seen and felt, oftentimes undermining the accomplishments of their engaged co-workers. It makes practical sense to conclude that the last two groups can actually mean that a company which has them is not drawing their fullest potential and in fact may be leading to lost opportunities and business. The figures may vary but management experts are of the opinion these losses can run to hundreds of millions of dollars. Employee engagement continues to be a hot subject among managers. A lot continues to talk. The smart ones, aware of the huge losses low productivity can cause companies, have begun to do something about it. Foremost of these involves creating a company culture that encourages friendship among co-workers and developing supportive and trusting relationships. Start the Ball Rolling If you own a business or are one of your company’s key managers, you may want to adopt the following tips that have been proven to help employees be engaged and happy at work : Define and share your vision with your employees. Let it serve as everybody’s roadmap with all its twists and turns. This will have everybody moving in the same direction. Provide them with what they need. Instead of assuming they have all the tools, training and support from immediate superiors, go talk to them in person and take a few minutes to find out. Communicate clearly and often. You can take advantage of regular meetings, memos, and workshops to present your vision. Ask questions. If they can’t get it, rehash and reformat the way you’re communicating. Coach and lead for success and practice spur-of-the-moment acts of kindness. Positive feedback is a terrific motivator, especially when you say “thank you” for a task well-done. So is negative feedback when expressed in an objective, constructive way. Get everybody engaged (…and we’re not talking about getting into the dating game or romantic match-pairings here). Work out a way to have every employee engaged and participating in the planning and decision making. This way they’ll have a sense of ownership of the project and make sure it succeeds. Respect and create trust. Act fairly. Don’t make like a henchman of the ancient Roman ships fast-beating the drums to set the pace of the slave rowers. Remember, at the end of the day, the more engaged and happier your employees are, the likelier it is for your company to succeed. Sources: http://www.businessreviewaustralia.com/leadership/145/Australia-boasts-high-employees-engagement-levels http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/australians-disengaged-at-work-report/story-fn59niix-1226735435897?nk=464c113a262faa7a201607adf0931535 http://www.gallup.com/poll/165269/worldwide-employees-engaged-work.aspx

Keeping Employees Engaged and Happy Leads to Business Success Đọc thêm »

Buying TRUE Happiness for Christmas…yes, it’s possible! Tips for a sustainable Xmas with no stress

The festive holidays can be a complicated time of year. On the one hand, we know that it is a special time of year to spend with loved ones and extend kindness. On the other hand, we are bombarded with emails and adverts trying to get us to part with our money, while stressed out people try to search for the ‘perfect’ gifts. It can all get a bit much! The Beatles once taught us that money can’t buy you love. In short, you can’t put a price on happiness. So perhaps it is about time we all stopped worrying about how full the Christmas stocking is and focus on those moments that truly make us feel warm and fuzzy inside. So what exactly are those moments? Research from Cornell University (Gilovich, 2014) has shown that people are happier when money is spent on ‘experience’ gifts (such as a show, holiday or meal out), rather than a material gift (such as games console or clothing). This means that the recipient can share the experience with the buyer, strengthening relationships and creating meaningful memories. It really is a win-win situation. Here are just a few suggestions to help you think about Christmas this year, minus the shopping stress: Consider “buying” moments for a loved one. Suggestions include a night away, a meal, a concert or trip to the cinema. Try to leave all of your other commitments to one side and dedicate the time to the person you are gifting, for example clear you diary and switch off your phone! Rather than buying Secret Santa gifts for a group of friends or colleagues, make a date together to enjoy the festive celebrations in each other’s company – a party or a meal and drinks out, for example. There is lots of evidence to show that developing and deepening social bonds, rather than spending money on presents, are the key to happiness and cultivating relationships. Forget your ‘wish list.’ Materialistic people are less happy than their peers and seem to constantly search for the next ‘thing’ that will make them happy. Instead, let your friends and family know that all you want for Christmas is their time. Use the Christmas holidays to express your gratitude. Take some time out of your hectic schedule and jot some notes down in a gratitude journal, or better still, use your time with friends and family to tell them what they mean to you (or if you’re better at expressing emotion through words, write a heartfelt note in a card). This Christmas you need not be up to your eyeballs in wrapping paper. You canswap the time you spend frustrated in queues at the shops, for quality time with the people who matter to you. That sounds like genuine Christmas cheer!

Buying TRUE Happiness for Christmas…yes, it’s possible! Tips for a sustainable Xmas with no stress Đọc thêm »

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