New Year…New Goals. Goal Setting Doesn’t Always Work. Why?

It’s funny. We go through our lives chasing our careers with the common knowledge that goal-setting works. Our business management professors, company head honchos and peers in the same industry tell us that an ample amount of energy and self discipline go a long way too. We’d bring into the equation, large figures of determination and perseverance and most, if not all hurdles vanish like magic, right? Then, what gives? Why are so few of these goals get to be realised?

Most people are likely to dismiss these questions with …”Maybe, you’re lazy, you don’t have any staying power or you easily get distracted” In other words, what this is telling you is that “You, dude, ain’t got no will power!” … which therefore creates an impression that the goals are in reality, a gigantic task needing a lot more hard work, sacrifice and effort that could be beyond human bounds. So, why be surprised many people raise their hands in surrender? In truth, the lack of will power or strong discipline may not be the issue at all. These guys have the ability to succeed. They may be wanting in focus, but that raises the big “WHY?”

The Three Most Common Mistakes In Setting Goals

  • Compromising a lot in your goals and choosing only what’s traditional. When you consider only what’s reasonable or what’s tried and tested, it undermines your chances of success. In lieu of going for what’s new and original … you opt instead for what’s been done before and already packed in neat little boxes, … the results you get are too predictable and too safe but not necessarily successful. When you stay too much in your comfort zone, you’re limiting your imagination and not letting your creative juices flow. What happens is that your enthusiasm, motivation and passion go down. Dare to think beyond what is traditional. Create something that’s never been there and go beyond your limits.
  • Choosing the outside trimmings rather than the content. Don’t go choosing goals because the façade looks good and impresses your peers while there’s not much substance in it. That would be like attending a training program so you can have the certificate hung on your wall instead of learning and acquiring skills you never had before. Ask yourself “What do I get out of this? Is this something I really want? What do I achieve, learn or develop?”
  • Selecting your goals by consensus. This is a case of you having the herd mentality and going with what everybody wants or needs. When you give in to others’ considerations, and not stand up for what’s true for you, you risk the goal being misaligned with your own purpose. You just might end up blaming others for holding back and resulting in an unrealized goal.

Achieving your goals will require many steps. If you give yourself a pat on the back or a token reward for every little step you take, it’ll jack up your state of mind and boost your energy and motivation. As you properly set your goals, staying away from these errors enumerated above, keep this little piece of advice alive in your heart.

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