Tips on Creating Your Highly Engaged Top-Notch Team

If you want a top-notch team in your organization, the solution is simple – attract the best people with generous compensation packages. Unfortunately, unlike big businesses, most organizations are not awash in money. But don’t despair, despite limited resources, you can still create highly engaged top-notch teams in your organization. What does highly engaged mean? Most employees perform as expected, but at 5 PM, they call it a day. They don’t care if a task is left unfinished and wouldn’t spend another minute beyond the required 8 hours. If asked to stay to complete a task before the day’s end, they expect some form of compensation for the extra time they’ll spend. Often, they’re happy with the way things are and view change as unnecessary.

On the other hand, highly engaged employees stick around the office, on their own volition, until they accomplish daily goals they’ve set for themselves. They’re proactive, driven, passionate and committed. They believe in their organization’s vision and perform beyond expectations. Who wouldn’t want these employees in their teams? Search for Greatness Within Before looking outside, search for great talent in your organization. Of course, if you’re creating a new group, managers or department heads will not let go of their star employees. They wouldn’t want to break up their well functioning teams. But, it’s also possible that they have excellent employees who are underutilized or are mismatched to their jobs. They could be better assets to your team, where they can finally thrive and flourish. It’s wise to get to know your colleagues at work. The person you are searching for could very well be right under your nose. Recruit People with Potential It’s the next best thing when looking for highly engaged employees.

Many experts believe that hiring people with great potential is better than hiring the best. But, you need a keen eye in seeking “diamonds in the rough.” Invite promising applicants to your office for an interview. Find real gems in the making by asking the right questions. Don’t put too much weight on resumes which only show background and experience. These don’t show a candidate’s attitude, sense of responsibility and reliability.

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