What Vietnam’s Women’s Day Can Mean Today

Vietnam celebrates Women’s Day twice yearly. The first is on March 8, which is observed by many worldwide. The second, October 20, is celebrated to honor Vietnamese women and the founding of what is now known as the Vietnam Women’s Union.

Women’s Day is a holiday in 27 countries. The traditional celebration sees men giving gifts and flowers to mothers, partners, daughters and female colleagues.

Today, this is not only an expression of love but appreciation for their important role outside the home. Fortunately, Vietnam recognizes women’s contributions to society as a whole. Women in other countries do not enjoy the rights and recognition they deserve. Just look at what’s going on in some nations today.

But despite the strides made in the last Century, there are still challenges that women face today. To name a few:

  • Gender Bias: Many people still view women as weak.
  • Representation in Government: Men still hold the majority of key positions.  
  • Sexual Harassment: This is still a common problem in the workplace. 
  • Abuse and Violence: According to Hope Box, 63% of Vietnamese women experienced domestic violence.
  • Ending Gender Inequality

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “Break the Bias.” It is a call to action for people to end gender stereotyping and discrimination. Also, it is a continuing mission and here’s how society can achieve gender equality:

  • Increase awareness. Let people know of the plight of women. Successful women are the norm and not the exception.  
  • Serve as inspiration. Young women need role models who would encourage them to seek higher education and pursue careers.
  • Advocacy and Support. Join groups that promote gender equality. Women should speak up more often and listen at the same time.
  • Change attitudes. Silence on domestic violence and abuse should no longer be acceptable. Incidents should be reported.
  • Talk to Parents. Everything begins at home. Parents should set an example. 
  • Include men in the conversation. Men in most countries believe in gender equality.   
  • Improve work-life balance. Women can be successful at work and raise a family at the same time.

Most of the above can be summarized in one word – empowerment. This means boosting women’s self-worth, right to follow dreams and freedom to choose the path they want for their lives. All of this is happening in Vietnam now.

Vietnam’s Women’s Day is a celebration of the progress women have made so far. There’s still much to do. However, Vietnamese women are showing they will achieve gender equality soon.

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