Your Career Can Affect your Children

Undoubtedly, the career choices we make will affect our families. Now, because both parents are at work, children are either at school or in the care of babysitters. How has their development been affected? It’s a good question. You might be surprised to learn that most kids with working dads and moms turn out to be okay.

According to this study, it doesn’t matter if mothers work during a child’s early years. As long as parents prioritize family over their jobs, it’s unlikely kids would exhibit behavioral problems. When dads and moms share responsibility in parenthood, the effects are positive. The research showed that their children, in fact, were emotionally healthy.

No organization we know of requires employees to continue working after leaving the office or clocking out. But, the digital age has enabled parents to conveniently attend to work-related tasks from home. It’s their choice if they do so, by the way. When they do, they might be causing harm to their kids.

“There are bills to pay and mouths to feed.” This has been the justification of breadwinners when they put career over their family. In fact, many will say they’ve given up their passion for jobs that paid well. Unhappy and stressed-out, they’re giving their kids the impression that money takes precedence over everything. Children see their parents as role models. Young minds are like sponges that absorb everything.

A father’s psychological or emotional absence has a strong effect on children. This lack of engagement directly influences a child’s behavior. On the other hand, children are barely affected when mothers spend time on themselves and less on house chores. When housework is shared with partners, mothers have more significant time for their kids.

The current pandemic has imposed changes in everybody’s lives. More people are working from home, which will be the norm even after a cure is found. The benefits for both employers and employees cannot be ignored. Just think of the savings from leasing less space and travel time saved. For parents, more quality time can be spent with their kids.

So, how can mom and dad balance work and home life? Here are a few suggestions.

  • Prepare any meal during the day.
  • Eat at least one meal with the whole family.
  • Never talk about work while eating. Instead, talk to the kids.
  • Set aside time to speak individually with each child.
  • Breaks when working remotely can be used to spend time with children. Read them a story, have fun with a coloring book or play catch.
  • Turn off all gadgets, including the TV and PC.
  • Always have a family day.
  • Make it up with your child if you miss something important, like a game or a play.
  • Never forget to say “I love you” to each member of your family.

Having less time at home means using it wisely. The first step is to transition from a professional to a parent once we enter the door. It should be a conscious effort. Nurturing children doesn’t mean sacrificing one’s dreams. In fact, people with happy family lives are often successful in their careers.

We may reach the top position in any organization, but there is always one constant – the family. Here’s an interesting article you should read. It’s a reminder of what really matters. You can achieve as much as you want in your career. Just don’t forget the kids.

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